Counterfeit plushies

Just take screenshot of your screen, i also recomend you take a screenshot of your character in the character creation menu so it is not affected by the colour of any lighting.
Then you just drag and drop your image onto a new comment you are writting.
Or just press Ctrl+V if you copied the image.

In the end the whole “Counterfiet plushie” thing jokey way of saying that the sprites weren’t done by Valued Employee.

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Don’t worry Kalavi you are very valued when we need to batong the antags.

or aquire pizza, or keep it clean, or get hammered

Why no all of them at the same time ?
Pizza wielding drunk HoS quickly cleaning his own vomit while simultaneously chassing the nukies ?

HoS leading by Carrot, hosts parties with Pizza and fancy drinks, people who haven’t comited a crime and are gennerally nice get to attend, handles cooking, mixology and cleaning while warden and seccies handle the usual.

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I will use all of these plushies to bomb antags

you can’t put em in the game, they’re all player associated and the current admin team said “no we won’t have player associated sprites in the game, incase shit goes sour between them and the server”
but if you’re willing to rustle the admin bushes and get more generic versions added I personally would be willing to make such sprites.

To expand on that point a little and aside from players and staff falling out.

Ive seen this on other servers and to me its really offputting… making celebrities out of characters in a blatent way can open up all kinds of grudging and claims of just being metabuddies with admins/maints. It also cant be ignored if its in game and being thrown at you (literally).
An example would be the time that Kiera got a ton of shit and nearly stopped playing because the character was getting too much attention and character interations were starting to bleed into OOC reasoning.

This is doubly horrible if a character is taken and added against the will of the player who it belongs to.

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Idea: Make a fake character, that nobody plays, make it a fake nanotrasen celebrity. Boom, acceptable humanoid celebrity

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If you want to know why the copper statue look as it looks, here you are.

dimas was and is the only person to pull off cargonia properly

on the flip side, I watched him trap himself in a miners pod 2 years ago and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him the same since

Local man reinvents safety moth


speaking of safety moth plushie when?


That’s a good idea…

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Actually, wait, that’s literally a perfect idea.

Why is that not in the game?

…what do you mean? Safety moth is mentioned in-game on several posters already. They are in the game.

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I.E as a plushie, not the posters

I love the posters, though!

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Que the introduction of a Safety moth crate for Cargo, that contains safety moth posters and one or two safety moth plushies.

bonus chance for a poster to be Syndie moth disk poster and a Syndie moth plushie.


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