Coolie#6969 mute appeal numero 2

Discord ID: Coolie#6969

Admin Discord ID: Crossedfall#1001

Ban Type: Mute

Ban Length: Permanent

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 09/09/2020

Ban Reason: DMing the N-word to a person as a way to bully them

Appeal Reason: I’ve been muted from the discord server for 2 months now. I’ve matured enough from the ban date to not do it again. I thought the mute was funny at first, but now it’s become something of an annoyance due to the fact that I can play on the server yet not see what other people are saying OOC (except for the in-game OOC, of course).

Additional Information: I still do not support certain members of the current staff team, but I feel like I’ve become more tolerant towards them. That doesn’t mean that I respect the decisions of the staff in question, as I do not, but I won’t actively try to antagonize them.

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Well, funnily enough, thou hast not like us, thou must however accept our existence and position. You really didn’t have to ping adminhelp in discord for this literally moments after you created the appeal. That’s a good way to just piss off the people who you need to support you in order to get the mute lifted.

As I said in the appeal, I don’t like certain members of the staff team, I won’t say names.

Also, sorry about the quick ping, just wanted to get all of this over quickly.

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Admins bad, @ ping, Unban me you shitters.

I have no idea who this person is but I say keep it.

Context to aeders post

As I said in the appeal, I don’t like certain members of the staff team, I won’t say names.

Also, sorry about the quick ping, just wanted to get all of this over quickly.

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That seems to have gone well.

Appeal accepted. Play nice, any added warnings will result in the mute being re-applied.