Admin’s CKEY:
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
Ban Type:
Ban Length:
4 days
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
2020-03-18 05:07
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
Spaced someone for no reason on evac shuttle, Disconnected before bwoink. Appeal on the forums if you have a reasonable explanation.
Appeal Reason:
was less than 20 seconds on escape timer man was already dieing on floor next to breech was 1:00 am i was drunk and bored and cleaning the escape shuttle. Bad choice, no regrets. at the very least lower the ban length.
Additional Information:
Some dead bodies on escape shuttle near a giant breech most likely from welder bomb , threw a dead guy out and some other guy in crit speak says “I know what your doing” , grabbed him and jumped into the breach with him.
I wonder why it is not a permaban while he disconnected after bwoinked
round was over I waited for half a minute after round end then left , twas bedtime
I wonder why it is not a permaban
Wasn’t a disconnect during bwoink, they disconnected before it was even opened. We don’t perma in this case anymore, but we do give a “Worst case” punishment based on what info we do have.
Appeal Reason:
was less than 20 seconds on escape timer man was already dieing on floor next to breech was 1:00 am i was drunk and bored and cleaning the escape shuttle. Bad choice, no regrets. at the very least lower the ban length.
You have been making a habit of bad choices, and while playing drunk explains those choices, it doesn’t excuse them. You’ve specifically killed someone just before shuttle landed once already, and this player was receiving medical treatment when you grabbed them and spaced them.
Yeah im a bad habit boy , and if you call receiving medical treatment as being face down on the floor next to an open breach then sure he was getting medical attention. I spaced a dieing man , no witnesses.
CPR was literally being applied, several times, right as you grabbed and spaced him.
Since you have no reasonable explaination for your actions