Spell the first: Fart
-Creates 3 units of miasma on the square he’s in and he farts
Spell the Second: Balloon/Balloon Animal
-He can pull balloons out of his ass his pocket, then maybe add crafting recipies for balloons that let you make regular balloons, and a variety of balloon animals, as well as a balloon sword, this also could be a really cool antag item as well where you summon deadly syndie balloons or something and they’re alive and the sword does damage but it’s 20 tc idk
Spell the Third: (I don’t really have a good idea for this one, so I’m just spit-balling here) Summon Banana Cream Pie
-lets you make a banana cream pie every minute so the pie launcher isn’t utterly useless. doesn’t really invalidate the antag pie launcher bc it’s only once per minute, but now the clown has both free food and free ammo for his pie launcher, since pies are actually a big part of clown jokes irl
i dunno, i think the clown should have an inherent ability to strip people faster and put other items on them faster, with some exceptions like sunglasses (so you cant yoink them from someone midcombat if you happen to be a traitor) so you can do some gamer stuff like yoinking someones gas mask and putting on a clown mask instead, i think that’d be pretty cool not gonna lie
but of course there could be some stupid cringe you could do with this but im just spitballing ideas you feel me
We here at Vorestation believe that community members can provide some of the most valuable inputs on gameplay features; We already have plenty of code used to achieve a very similar effect which should make it very easy to implement this wonderful idea!
There’s really no reason for the code-monkeys not to add this feature right away!