[Close this please] Unknown Player Report: Spicy Echo

In-game report:

CKEY: marvintheparanoidandroid42

Offender’s CKEY: Unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name: Unknown

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 20250125

Round Number: 51430

Rules Broken: Self Antag or Escalation / No Murderbone

Incident Description: Two Dangerous Holodeck programs were activated this shift in Echo Station. First one was the holocarps (which wasn’t too big of an issue and probably fine), second one was the atmospheric burn test, which resulted in many dead and basically the entire station being burned to a crisp because the holodeck has no top. The fact that it was two dangerous holodeck programs activated in one shift without murderbone seemed odd.

Additional Information: According to some in round, it was a misclick trying to bring up emergency medical, but it does seem odd that two dangerous programs were activated in this round. According to another, it was already on emergency medical, so there was no need to bring it to emergency medical.

With the conflicting info and confusion, figured it was probably just easier to have an admin logdive, especially with this being at low pop hours where we tend to get griefers.

Nevermind, just caught up in General on discord. This can be closed.

Closing at player request