Clockandballtiture - Bad ban targeting

clockandballtiture|Dip Chicken Into Mayonnaise




Opted to use the ckey Dipchickenintomayonnaise for future play.

well I believe while requesting to transfer accounts both me and francium made one key critical oversight, byond bans anyone on the same connection

yea, i know this is kinda of wierd and probably the first time someone requested an account change, but I use dipchickenintomayo on the same computer of course…
i dont know admin politics so i will let you guys figure this out, untill then, i will be playing on dip tempaccount into mayonnaise on a vpn with the ip so take your time!

oh never mind please dont take your time, I see beestation is not excepting new accounts… do I even want to know whats going on now?

oh never never mind, I tried using dip chicken into mayo on, it works fine, how ever vpns are very slow and I would like to use my home connection instead so take your time… -_- last one i promise

Why is your ckey have to be so damn confusing. I’m confused. Unbean I think? I don’t think they know they are multikeying

whats multikeying? and why do the forum post have to be at least twenty letters or be greater then twenty letters?

Should be resolved, feel free to reply in the thread or contact us on discord if you’re unable to get in game.

multikeying is using multiple ckeys to gain advantage to other players, having multiple lives is op and almost always leads to greif.

having multiple lifes is called being an admin :sunglasses:
let me spawn my self as centcomm official, oops i ded, let’s spawn my self as centcomm official, haha i killed the traitor who killed me janitor time :blush:

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