Circuits Rework - Improve dont Remove

I remmember some dude who had aa and make a circuit that opened and closed every door on station simultainously causing immense lag, it was hilarious at first, then the ping made the game unplayable.

Thatā€™s a pretty good summary of the impact of most circuits Iā€™ve seen. Nothing competes or compares to good circuits, but they have great wow factor when you first see one.

Add some sort of automatic whitelist system that could be used in the future for multiple features like circuits that if you have like above 700 hours or are a mentor you can use them, that way the total number of griefers is limited and the list of possible suspects is also smaller.

An idea for logging would be each time you paste a circuit

waaay too harsh

being a mentor and having that many hours shouldnā€™t give such gameplay benefits. Itā€™s basically shoving the broken body under the floorboards and hoping no one notices

I feel like cloning should be disabled. Want to make a game breaking circuit or really anything for the matter? Learn how to the hard way. No looking into forums/etc for easy clone code to make a 9bang/autorifle/bloodsucker/homing drone/etc. Even if itā€™s for something like a ranged medical scanner.

PAI control is also an issue, and should probably go or at least be high complexity. Iā€™ve seen people make PAI bots to validhunt/do other things(once as a Nations Rounds, science made an armed PAI army to do raids.). While the sky is the limit, you should have to DIY.

Circuits can do really good and useful things, but most people skip that and go right for the big kill/grief device.

you shouldnā€™t be able to take things from round to round verbatim without having to rebuild them and take the time to rebuild them.

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Correct. Exactly my point, just with brevity.

Also, the weapon logging fix is here now


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