Cinderashblack Banned By bloons3

CKEY: cinderashblack

Admin’s CKEY: bloons3

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Which server did the ban happen on?: Lrp

Ban Type: Permanent

Ban Length: Forever

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 11/15/2020

Round ID: 23994

Ban Reason: directed sexual content in OOC

Appeal Reason: I understand what I did was against the rules and I apologize for my irrational behaviour, There was no reason for me to do what I did no matter how upset I was at the time for any reason.

Additional Information:

Fish is cinder ash black? It all makes sense now

Well you also kidnapped the captain, gagged her, put her in a maid’s outfit, and proceeded to whip her. Then you got off on getting stamlocked by beepsky while saying things like “Yes. Yes. Yes!!” and “Please continue I deserve it”

And you posted the cringe about sticking a large metal rod up your butt literally the exact second the only admin left

Sounds like something one wouldnt wanna miss.
Did he post the man sitting on a glass jar video too?

Clipboard - 2020-11-16T114642.903 Clipboard - 2020-11-16T114744.210


Don’t unban, dude knew what he was doing and is only sorry because he got banned for it

They are litteraly muted on discord for posting furry porn after being told to stop.

Any erotic content should be treated harshly - Bloons made that judgement and being honest I feel the ban should stick.

With what you posted, you need to take some time off.
Come back in two weeks or a month with a ban appeal.

What you posted in game was not, and has never been acceptable.


This topic was automatically opened after 13 days.

who what huh
why open?!

@bloons3 set a two week timer on the thread.

1 Like

This is open now from a two week timer.


Pinging you on this

I don’t think he cares anymore, I’ve seen him playing other stations.
