Character playlist sharing

Got a music playlist you listen to because the station is too quiet? Is it styled after a specific character, or is it just background noise to break up the monotony? Either way, if you got one and are willing to share feel free! Youtube, spotify, soundcloud, you name it, I wanna see it. Even if it’s just a single song that inspired your character.

Here’s Mu’s playlist.


When playing VIP Hardy I usually associate Collective Consciousness (no lyrics) with him.

And in the rare case I play as The Original Julian A.K.A CentCom Hardy, I associate it with lyrics.

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I mean, you can just pray when I’m adminning.
I’ll play some tunes.


I will listen to this playlist beginning to end multiple times a month. It is 10/10 and I will probably continue doing it for years to come.

Also gonna link this one because it’s too good.

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Engineer (gaming): Daft Punk - Robot Rock (Official Video) - YouTube

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I usually just listen to random things while playing so when you see Wisty with her headphones, you know she’s listening something between this and this!

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I don’t have a ‘character’ playlist per se, but I do have a playlist I use in general to help me focus better on work.

– ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ focus/stimming playlist because i have adhdtism ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

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I made this originally for Rimworld, but it also fits 70% into SS13. Lore friendly Rimworld songs - playlist by BIDP | Spotify


Orion’s rimsystem americana playlist sounds like this:

When the station’s gone to hell, I play this instead:


Warhammer 40K Mechanicus OST - Children of Omnissiah Slow + Extended - YouTube
Whenever I play an IPC character with any sort of religious beliefs, or a roboticist

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Nevermind the midis you can play on instruments.

get the real deal.

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Most of the explore side of the FTL soundtrack while I’m fucking about in space.


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