Chamoral is a shitter?jk jk unless....?

My Ic name is Eliza Kuster.Im being accused for playing borderline to the rules(or shittery if you wish to call it this way).If you could provide an actual example when your in-game experience was harmed by me and the whole situation can be well described by playing borderline/shittery please respond in this topic so that i can avoid repeating this mistake in the future.No insults or unrelated to the topic posts please.Id rather see here helpful feedback about what i could have did the other way in order to make the game more fun for everyone playing than be insulted or bullied.

Keep the raw memes and insults out of the thread this time. Any posts made purely to sling shit around will be deleted and met with forum bans for harassment.

Give them something they can work with to be a better player, actual examples and feedback they can build themselves up with. How to be a part of the community instead of against it.

Try to give them the benefit of a doubt please

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I know you’ve heard this a shitton of times, but don’t play captain/head roles just so you can stuff your backpack with all the guns from the armoury.


No HOS brigging you for 3 extra mins does not make them valid.


playing on a station named after your character makes me vomit mentally

also, you are a shit captain who goes to armory every round to stock up on riot gear, eguns, flashes and the temperature gun. And you were doing that even before you became a target for a speedrun!

also admitted to already getting a permaban on a russian server long ago for the same shittery.
Or someone told me about that, i don’t know, but still find this very believable.
under a spoiler because, well, that was a month ago at least and i can be getting something wrong.

Also, because i already posted a serious reply to this serious topic, i now get one free pass to post a meme here

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Captain has access to armory.So i dont know why people want me to stop taking guns from it

just take a fucking picture of this reply and send it to anyone who asks why are you being called a shitter by most of the players

If you have access to something it doesn’t mean you should stock up on it in the beginning of every fucking round with you as a captain, cringer.


I dont understand why do you care how many guns ill take.Theres usually no sec on lrp server so noone with access to armory would need them.The only reason to not take them is to let some graytide break into armory and take the guns for himself.

i once decided to hide all weaponry in a bio closet next to the armory, (best place to hide shit) a sec saw me doing it and said something along the lines of “Nice”. 30 seconds later you come, see the armory with no guns, me chilling with the security guy and you instantly start firing at me with dual energy guns

you also got robusted like a tard then but meh

if you “don’t understand” why people don’t like when you loot the armory as a captain, why don’t you just fucking stop?


Conclusion we get:people get pissed when i take guns from armory because it doesnt let them steal the gamer gear for themselves and then hide it in the bio closet.

no, it just shows you as an ultra-kleptomaniac shitter who plays just to have a power-trip, and cry when people take it away from you.

Don’t play a command role. Don’t go out of your way to piss people off.

I gave you my input, my feedback, just as you asked.
Everyone, watch this getting ignored


I haven’t interacted that much with you at all, most of the time it’s all hearsay and screenshots.

But damn, there is enough hearsay and screenshots for me to say that you are like a lower tier Inari, a lizerd that used to break into Armory, steal all the guns and then validhunt.

Only difference is that the lizard had the balls to make himself valid by entering armory instead of going Captain and getting all the guns.

Unironically try and change, you reached Grogovic status but you can still backpedal and try to be an alright player instead of the joke of the server. That’s all I have to say, really.

Best of luck.

Edited the L word out so admins don’t neuter me


this word is illegal on bee, hands in the air

Ngl i forgot ‘bout that, i havent seen a lizard in LRP in a while so I haven’t yelled ligger at anyone in like a week or two


change your name at this point tbh

also you really need a head/sec ban I only ever see you empty the armoury full of gamer gear

why does this piss people off?

let me explain, you take everything sec can use to defend against threats, start purposfesly atangozing more robust assistants than you, die and now suddenly those assistants have the entire armoury without even having to break into it.

ive seen you do this every round for 6-7 rounds consecutively before

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Bruh theres no sec on lrp and if captain dies a greyride can just take his aa and grab as much gamer gear as he wants to.Cringe answer tbh

the shifts im talking about ive literally been the HoS as you where raiding the armoury so I dont know what you’re talking about tbh

I only didnt stop you because id rather you just get lynched by assistants hoping you would learn your lesson the twentieth time getting spaced but apparantly not

Bruh if captain takes half the armory and hos does the same everyone has enough guns.Quick maths

people can late join security you know

typically as the HoS the armoury is the safest place for the guns to be

they are not safe on a validbaiting unrobust captain

Bruh again if the captain dies people can take not just guns but also aa from his body.And with aa you can take as much gamer gear as you want to.