Chad Lawson / DankArrow123 Report (+ Entire sec department)

   CKEY: Brother_Hangyul

   Your Discord: Hangy#5040

   Offender’s CKEY: DankArrow123 / Chad Lawson

   LRP or MRP server: MRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Chad Lawson

   Date 06/14/2020

   Round Number: 17209

   Rules Broken: Self-Antagging, MRP, random violence.

Incident Description: Chad Lawson convinced HoP to give him Chem Access, then started making toxic gas grenades for no reason. I shoved him out and told HoP to remove his chem access, he went to Sec to get me arrested for “nearly killing him”, which is bullshit (check logs, I only hurt his legs a few times with my telescopic baton to get him out, it doesn’t even do any damage.). Did a court case WITHOUT ME AND WITHOUT NOTIFYING ME, and got approval to EXECUTE ME FOR PROTECTING CHEM. Declared mutiny against security since they were trying to KILL ME and got fucked up by the warden + the rest of sec. Was locked in the re-education chamber and was going to be executed but they decided to go to evac shuttle instead. Warden also decided to shoot me with a shotgun when I was resisting arrest instead of disabler. Check logs, seriously.

Additional Information: The entire sec department (excluding HoS) allowed this for some reason.

Also: THEY WERE NOT A TRAITOR. I understand suing me is perfectly IC but suing me for stopping them from MAKING GRENADES and getting sec to try EXECUTE me is not within IC boundaries.

Assorted logs

[2020-06-14 15:30:52.368] dankarrow901 \ Chad Lawson \ Lawyer \ NONE \ ROUNDSTART

[2020-06-14 15:32:17.328] SAY: DankArrow901/(Chad Lawson) “I need chemistry and Atmos access” (Command Hallway (97, 129, 2))
[2020-06-14 15:32:25.566] SAY: DankArrow901/(Chad Lawson) “It's for a pro gamer move” (Command Hallway (97, 129, 2))

[2020-06-14 15:51:49.044] SAY: DankArrow901/(Chad Lawson) “I coomed on the station too ay” (Courtroom (117, 153, 2))

[2020-06-14 15:41:20.159] GAME: A voice analyzer has pulsed a grenade, which was installed by dankarrow901.
[2020-06-14 15:41:20.160] GAME: DankArrow901/(Chad Lawson) primed a chemical grenade at Research Division (0, 0, 0) containing: (beaker 1 : Sugar, 30 | Potassium, 20); (large beaker 2 : Potassium, 30 | Stable Plasma, 30 | Phosphorus, 30);. (Research Division (113, 109, 2))

  • Lawyer got permission to access chem-lab, albeit with very questionable reasoning.
  • Lawyer used chem access to create and use toxin grenades for no particular reason, but also did no harm with them as far as I can tell
  • Lawyer went to court accusing you of assault over non-harmfully hitting him with a telescopic baton
  • You didn’t show up to court when summoned.
  • Lawyer made a case against you in court with witnesses to the rest of security via the courtroom and you called a threat to him over comms at exactly the right time to make his case sound completely legitimate.

[2020-06-14 15:56:02.460] SAY: DankArrow901/(Chad Lawson) “We are under immediate threat!” (Courtroom (117, 153, 2))
[2020-06-14 15:56:06.167] SAY: DankArrow901/(Chad Lawson) “THERE IS A FUCKING CULT” (Courtroom (117, 153, 2))
[2020-06-14 15:56:12.587] SAY: DankArrow901/(Chad Lawson) “We will die without working together” (Courtroom (117, 153, 2))
[2020-06-14 15:56:29.290] SAY: Brother_Hangyul/(Hangyul Kim) “Chad Lawson, any more attempts to steal chemical weapons will result in more than a little damage” (Medbay Central (97, 104, 2))
[2020-06-14 15:56:43.438] SAY: Brother_Hangyul/(Hangyul Kim) “Consider yourself lucky I didn't break your fucking legs” (Medbay Central (90, 99, 2))

Execution was definitely too much considering what occurred, but I have to rule this report as mostly IC in the end. Lawyer is a bit spastic and heavy on the memes in his speak, but he did role-play as a lawyer excellently aside from that. Lawyer is also not the one that carried out the execution, the Warden is.

The only issue I have is with him making the toxic grenades in the first place, and he’ll be noted for that. The warden skipping to execution over what amounts to assault is also a problem, but it is not the Lawyer at fault here.