Cerebrallolzy admin report

In-game misconduct:

Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Admin Report

CKEY:kate bishop

Your Discord:no

Offender’s CKEY:Cerebrallolzy

LRP or MRP server:lrp

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):

Date (MM-DD-YYYY):19/7/2020

Round Number:18734

Rules Broken (if relevant):

Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant):major incompetence as admin

Incident Description:hop tries to upload crewsimov, i say it causes harm, admin notes me.

Additional Information:if you make MORE THINGS HUMAN there is more chance of it causing harm 


then banned me for lethaling a “no human” resulting in the hos (who runned into the upload out of nowhere) getting lasered once

You turned the lethals on while a human was in the room. The previous round you murdered a moth that went into your upload. The round after you refused access to your upload to the Acting Captain because you thought they could be an antag(which is against silicon policy by the way… you should REALLY read it). I warned you 3 times before giving you the note and then you STILL refused to cooperate. After all that you have the audacity to threaten to admin report me. As you say, “bruh”.


No, turned lethals while a CATGIRL was in the room dont fucking lie.

You can negate soneone acces to your upload if you believe its unsafe, i didnt know hop was acting cap and requesting upload acces over and over is suspicius. Then he treathened to maxcap me why tf would i let him into upload. And it wasnt a treath it was me highligthing how biaed that decision was.

That’s weird considering you said above that a human was hit. :thinking: Who’s actually lying?

Mmm thats weird did you read logs or your chimp brain isnt enougth, hop runned into a lethal turret face first out of nowhere i reacted by turning turrets to stun and then off while they where gone.

Well… you’ve said everything I needed you to say. The first volley of lethals hit the HoP… I’m just gonna leave it at that.

And? How am i supposed to expect the hop to appear out of nowhere andi jump face first into my upload, i instantly turned it off when i notoced.

Excuse me? Why was my relevant comment describing how kerbin considers it bad to do things that are even within your laws removed? Considering kerbin is commenting here, it is in fact relevant.

could be a forum bug I had a comment that was removed aswell that was removed, or it is a cringe ass admin.

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Wouldnt be surprised if kervin or cere where the hop

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If you can’t be civil on the forums, you’ll end up muted.

This notion is ridiculous to me, please explain to me how making you protect more people causes harm.

No I'm afraid they were both being fired at by your turrets

[2020-07-19 04:45:02.641] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at Blueturbo47/(Collin Blue) with the electrode from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 74.6) (AI Upload Chamber (102, 152, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:02.642] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the electrode from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (101, 154, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:02.645] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the electrode from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (97, 154, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:02.645] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the electrode from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (96, 152, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:04.167] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the electrode from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (102, 152, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:04.168] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the electrode from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (101, 154, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:04.170] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the electrode from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (97, 154, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:06.160] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the electrode from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (101, 154, 2))

[2020-07-19 04:45:11.817] ATTACK: Kate bishop/(ANCESTOR) has enabled lethals on [AI Upload turret control] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))

[2020-07-19 04:45:12.684] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (102, 152, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:12.685] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at Blueturbo47/(Collin Blue) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 74.6) (AI Upload Chamber (101, 154, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:12.686] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (100, 149, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:12.687] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at Blueturbo47/(Collin Blue) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 74.6) (AI Upload Chamber (98, 149, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:12.689] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at Blueturbo47/(Collin Blue) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 54.6) (AI Upload Chamber (97, 154, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:12.689] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at Blueturbo47/(Collin Blue) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 54.6) (AI Upload Chamber (96, 152, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:14.211] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (102, 152, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:14.212] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at Blueturbo47/(Collin Blue) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 34.6) (AI Upload Chamber (101, 154, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:14.213] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (100, 149, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:14.214] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at Blueturbo47/(Collin Blue) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 34.6) (AI Upload Chamber (98, 149, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:14.216] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at Blueturbo47/(Collin Blue) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 34.6) (AI Upload Chamber (97, 154, 2))
[2020-07-19 04:45:14.217] ATTACK: [turret] has fired at fearchan/(Max Caswell) with the laser from AI Upload Chamber (NEWHP: 100) (AI Upload Chamber (96, 152, 2))

I think what really matters here, in the end, is did Kate have any reason to suspect that the acting Captain was a threat for some reason. Did they do or say something? Or maybe it’s a ling round and you have confirmed lings and Cap went silent and missing for some time then reappeared suspiciously. Anything at all that could justify the action?

If there isn’t then the admin was in the right.

If there is something a plausible argument that Kate can provide then Kate is in the right on this issue.

I just want to point out that the previous round they had murdered a moth who tried to get into her upload as well. The same person went human and tried again only to have this shit-storm ensue.

I think what really matters here, in the end, is did Kate have any reason to suspect that the acting Captain was a threat for some reason. Did they do or say something? Or maybe it’s a ling round and you have confirmed lings and Cap went silent and missing for some time then reappeared suspiciously.

Irrelevant. Kate may not harm a human under asimov, including a suspected ling. A confirmed ling may be killed, but for what it’s worth this was a normal traitor round. Kate enabled lethals while her turrets were already targetting the human acting captain.

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Yeah, you’re right. Perhaps denying an order with a strong suspicion could be justified but taking to violence wouldn’t be.

Long and short of this is:
Kate got banned. “Fuck you admin I’m telling on you”

There’s already a ban appeal up, which has the majority of evidence against Kate. Looking like they are in the wrong. This should be closed and imho the ban should be extended for throwing a tantrum like this as usual.

Petty, sad, and really just laughable.