Cat Surgeon Poll

It’s a fair assumption! But he doesn’t actually attack with a circular saw, he just drops one and plays the sound of a saw when attacking. He in fact only does 15 brute damage (before armor reduction), and attacks slightly slower than a player does.
And I think he also has half the effective health of a regular human mob, but he does gain more health for each victim he gets.


now my round will never experience a sudden drop in quality again


what if you put it in a BS body bag?

Lmao, make it a random traitor objective if you are a felinid tator. [Crewmember] has to be catted atleast once.

As an IPC it is very fustrating as he does not heal me after catifying. Fuck you cat surgeon, weld me

I like the terror over comms and in the hallway when cat surgeon is released, its like watching ancient people run from a leper.

The anguish from victims in chat is great too

11/10 chaos


Imagine a tot. He stumbles on the surgeon and gets catified.
However. He now has an opportunity to share the pain. All he has to do is drag the surgeon around and shove stun people for its convenience.
The pain. The horror. The anguished screams.
It’s too glorious to remove.

You’re acting as if people don’t already do this as non-antag. This has happened so many times.

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

oh boy, sentience potion time

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