Cargo non-lethals

lets help the station by giving more non lethal options. and hail Cargonia !

a crate with three “solid slug disablers” for 3000 credits, singles crate 1350

they work like a normal disabler but with a pistol magazine of “darts,” 15 darts to a magazine.
the darts get a charge from a battery (consumes 2% of a high capacity battery, and batteries not included).
change the battery by using a screwdriver on the gun to remove the battery. then jam a new one in.
the crate also includes a disk allowing ammunition creation.

I feel like something to help things be less “kill” is a good thing.

stun prods should have better attack speed ? I remember that being really slow .

general non-lethal assistance appreciated.

Why not just shove and cuff? Or steal a disabler?

why not [illegal], or [illegal].

ok so the first one isn’t illegal

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Ooh jellico suggestion thread, this’ll be fun.


the real answer is: wyci

meeh !

20 characters !

Let’s make a non lethal toolbox !

The lethals in cargo are very much just antag fodder or nukie-b-gone. Replacing them with nonlethals would be kinda eh.

Stun prods are slow, but that’s because they’re a ghetto stun baton, they gotta have a downside to them.
I don’t think the idea is a terrible idea, but I haven’t got the slightest clue on how it would affect game balance. I think that an overabundance of disabling weaponry can lead to the tide becoming awful, but if you keep the amount of disabling weaponry that spawns in the round the same then it will just lead to a huge amount of recipes or weapons no one will ever use because only one of them is the meta.

Maybe you could add in a Jitte? It’s a specially crafted stick with a hand guard to hook and stop weapons while battering the perp with it, it was used during the Feudal times of Japan by law enforcement much like a baton, but a bit differently.
Maybe you can make it using a plasteel shank and wood. It deals stamina damage to targeted limbs, but if they’re down while you target the legs then they hit both instead. The plasteel shank is required so that you can’t just make it easily, and the shank many people do not know how to make or know it’s an option.

A man that steals from cargo is a dead man.

That’s why it doesn’t matter if you pump him full of lethals or not.

just move the whole armory to cargo

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I mention the stun prods because they used to stun in two hits ? I don’t really know, but I remember the attack speed hindering effectiveness.

I ment stun prods.

Shove once, hit em with the prod, shove again to stun and then prod them once more.

You’re suggesting the glock-13 from NSV, with an extra battery step (not that it is a bad thing, we could use a port from NSV sec upstream)

reminder that this thread is also non-lethal general. Ideas and tips apreaciated.