Cargo Manufacturing

I think a cool idea for cargo would be adding manufacturing system that takes raw materials and spits out manufactured things that you could sell for money. It’d be like smelting for mining.

For a basic conceptual example, let’s say license plate manufacturing. A machine would take iron sheets as input, then trickle them out 1 sheet at a time to a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt would bring it to a saw where 1 sheet would be automatically cut into 4 blank plates. After that, a conveyor would bring it to a press where they would be turned into complete license plates ready to be sold.

This would add some depth to making money and could replace the current BZ farming which I find a little bit gamey. It would also offer a better alternative to just taking sheets of mats straight out of the lathe for money.


great idea and already has some parts implemented. see conveyor belts, stacking machines, etc. just add some items and some machines and you got a functional factory system

bonus points if you have it require circuits!

Like automated torp making from NSV ? Eh, cargo techs need more stuff to do, why not.

Its almost like you have an entire smeltry on lavaland that mints coins for you…that is never used.


I’ve thought that a good ore silo removal would have manufacturing.

Basically “orders” placed on the terminal could require inputs for a machine like that, and then once done it spits out a crate.

I think straight up “stuff you spam to make money” isn’t long for life, it’s probably ideal that actual reliable money making come from dynamic bounties so that You need something from the crew, in addition to them Needing stuff from you.

A two-way flow basically.

  • makes cargo more fun by giving it more stuff to do
  • gives engineering something to work on while not fixing holes