In-game report:
Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Player Report
CKEY: Xeapor
Your Discord: Xeapor#6609
Offender’s CKEY:Kate Bishop
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Kat Bishop
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 21/04/2020
Round Number: Various Rounds
Rules Broken: Variety
This player has constantly taken out the fun from Sage. She uses OCC IC, she power games, she is currently playing sec and she arrests whoever she doesnt like. She arrests for the most bizarre reasons, for example she beat into crit and arrested the clown for throwing a pie. She refuses to acknowledge her own mistakes. She has told people over sec radio countless times that she cant be bothered arresting certain people and she goes off to do her own thing. Like when there was a murderer about and the AI told her to help arrest him, but she ignored him and was making chemicals in chemistry. When she was finally called out on it, she used law 2 to shut the AI up. Several players have sent Ahelps, and she has been banned multiple times, yet lately she is using her ‘senior player’ status to do whatever she wants and she never faces any consequences. Admins have been ignoring Ahelps about her lately as well.