CKEY: Britbong1234
Admin’s CKEY: St0rmC4st3
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:BeeStation Sage
Ban Type:Temporary from Roles: from Roles: Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Warden, Detective, Security Officer, Brig Physician, AI, Cyborg, pAI.
Ban Length: 10 days
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 27/04/2020
Round ID:15161
Ban Reason: Left prisoners for dead in syphoning cells trying to save himself in a syphoned corridor. One was morbidly drunk and cuffed by him and the other buckled to the bed. The drunk one was arrested for having “contraband” tools as assistant. Please learn how assistants access tools and how to delay atmospheric damage.
Appeal Reason: Unfair assessment of the situation
Additional Information:
was in a critical situation myself, there had been other security officers in the department who could help but didn’t either, sent those killed by the accident to genetics to be cloned immediately after