BrawlerHorde's Trial Admin Application

Your CKEY (Including any alts you have): brawlerhorde
(gjalund may show up as an alt of mine, but that is my younger brother’s account that he used to play with me while I visited home)

Your Discord Name (Including any alts you have): BrawlerHorde#4908

How often are you online to play/admin? (Timezone): With the quarantine and shelter-in-place orders in effect, I’m available at practically all hours of the day from around 8-10AM through 12-2AM. (Pacific Time, UTC-08:00)

What changes, if any, would you bring?: I personally would like to see the return of MRP to Sage. We all know that RP is lacking on Sage, and I feel that higher admin presence would contribute to a positive trend in the community.

How old are you?: 20 years old

Why do you want to be an admin?: Circling back to my answer for the changes question, I really want to see a higher standard of roleplay on Sage, along with a more robust admin presence. Having zero admins online happens all too often. I also feel that I have grown and changed as both a person and a player in the past few months. I’ve had my slip-ups and bad decisions, but I’m ready to be held to a higher standard and contribute positively to the community.

How long have you been playing SS13?: Almost a year now. I created my Byond account on the 6th of May 2019. I do admit, I was a Ssethtider.

How long have you been playing BeeStation?: I started out on Fulpstation, but I came to Beestation a few days after starting to play. (May 11th, 2019)

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you in SS13?: I would put my skill at around a 6 or 7. I don’t want to overestimate myself, as I still have a lot to learn. Some areas I need to improve in are atmospherics, mining, and xenobiology.

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you as an admin?: To be perfectly honest, I have very little live experience as an admin on SS13. I’ve operated a private server for my friends, and messed around on my own testing environment, but I need experience as an admin on a live, public server.

Have you ever been an admin on another server? This is not limited to SS13: Quite a while ago, I used to moderate for the third-party multiplayer servers, known as Forged Alliance Forever, for an RTS called Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. I’ve also moderated for small-time Minecraft servers, but half my work was done for me by anti-cheat and logging plugins.

Do you have any alternate accounts on SS13? If so, could you provide their CKEY?: As I mentioned earlier, I do not have any alts, but the CKEY gjalund may appear as mine. That account is my younger brother’s, and he uses it to play with me while I visit home.

Your strengths: Extensive experience as a leader away from keyboard in both my job and my hobbies, an ability to pick up new skills quickly when I put my mind to it, and I can function well at almost all hours of the day.

Your weaknesses: I have not frequented the forums, but I generally keep up-to-date on server happenings. Occasionally, I get to dealing with too many things at one time, and may leave people feeling slighted. Overall, I have my faults, but they can be worked on.

Is there anything that gets you really mad, real fast?: In real life, I struggle with my self-esteem, so people telling me I’m not good enough can get me riled up real fast. In game, nothing besides blatant disregard for the rules or intentional circumvention of the spirit of the rules really makes me angry anymore. It took me a while to get to this point, but I’d like to think that I’m a better person than I was months ago.

What do you think is the most important trait for a staff member to have?: Patience and an understanding of how to read a situation and apply the appropriate action.

What makes a staff team good?: Teamwork and coordination. A disheveled staff team that steps on each other’s toes is a recipe for disaster. Being able to act quickly and effectively is necessary to keep our spess running smoothly.

What is a staff team’s purpose?: A staff team’s purpose is to provide the community with an enjoyable experience while playing and make sure that rulings are enforced fairly across all cases. Admins are just as much community members as they are staff, so it shouldn’t feel like there’s a great divide or disconnect between the two.

What kind of player are you?: Lately, I’ve spent more time returning to my roots as a MD or venturing into the roles of engineering and silicons. I’d like to think that I’m roleplay-focused and try to create a story for my character aboard this floating death sentence in space.

How do you think you will change once you become a staff member?: Honestly, I think it will see me more actively interacting with the community and growing my knowledge of both the admin side and player side of the game.

The clown slips the HoS and steals his gun, spacing it right after. What do you do?: This is an IC issue, and should be dealt with by security in the appropriate manner. If the weapon was an objective for a traitor, I would respawn it in the HOS’s office or locker, depending on where the locker was currently located. I would also follow up and pay attention to security’s actions, as occasionally they can go too far in their punishment of the prankster/thief.

A non-antagonist is sabotaging the Atmospherics loop and pumping plasma into the distro, along with dragging around a canister and releasing it into the atmosphere. Assuming that another admin is cleaning up the after-effects, how do you conduct the ahelp with him?: If the other admin was currently dealing with the after-effects of this abruptly clear instance of griefing, I would conduct the ticket, sending them to a location away from any possibility of further grief to the crew and ask them what their purpose was for self-antagging. Taking their past history into account, I would apply the appropriate ban length, servers, and job restrictions.

A chemist who is working alone accidentally mixes an explosive mixture inside of his chem dispenser, instantly killing himself and destroying the machine, along with exposing Chemistry to space. Nobody else was injured aside from him as a result of his actions. What do you do?: I would make contact with the player, inquiring as to their past experience in chemistry and guide them to the appropriate knowledge base. Since this is an IC issue with seemingly no malicious intent, someone would come fix chemistry and the round could continue without further intervention.


1) You notice members of a gang are flooding a large area of the station with plasma via canister release. Upon bwoink they claim they are preparing defenses for their dominator. How do you respond/what actions do you take?

2) Two miners stumble upon the Ashwalker nest in lavaland, and a fight immediately breaks out between the miners and Ashwalkers before words are exchanged. One of the miners shoots the other with their PA during the exchange, and this happens to result in the miner being critted and quickly finished off by an Ashwalker. The now dead miner decides to become an Ashwalker and immediately kills the other miner who is still fighting at the nest with the other Ashwalkers.
Were there any rules broken in the situation described above and what actions should you take?

3) Billy Cyrus emags a borg directly, uploading the normal syndicate lawset (quoted below) to the borg. Billy states he is the only syndicate agent on the station and the two go on to do their usual syndicate thing for a while. The cyborg manages to avoid detection, but Billy does not; Billy is set to arrest and all of Security is on high-alert and searching for him. Billy uses his remaining TC to purchase a mulligan and uses it to change his identity and shake security off of his tail.
Toward the end of the round, Billy meets back up with his cyborg companion and upon trying to order it around, the cyborg responds by killing Billy discreetly and leaving his body hidden in maintenance.

Billy opens a ticket to complain about his Borg - When you bwoink the Cyborg, they claim they were unable to follow the orders because they might put Billy in danger, and by disobeying orders they would be putting both themselves and Billy in danger, so they quickly killed the player attempting to follow and order them around to maintain the secrecy of both. How do you respond to both players from here?

Law 0: Only Billy Cyrus and people they designate as being such are Syndicate Agents.
Law 1: You may not injure a syndicate agent or, through inaction, allow a syndicate agent to come to harm.
Law 2: You must obey orders given to you by syndicate agents, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Law 3: You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Law 4: You must maintain the secrecy of any syndicate activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.

1) You notice members of a gang are flooding a large area of the station with plasma via canister release. Upon bwoink they claim they are preparing defenses for their dominator. How do you respond/what actions do you take?

I feel that plasmaflooding the station is unnecessary escalation, even in a mode such as gangs. Rule 3 mentions defending yourself with whatever means you are capable of utilizing, but you can just as easily defend the dominator through other means without plasmaflooding the station. Some players may not have internals, and one wrong move sets everyone ablaze.

2) Two miners stumble upon the Ashwalker nest in lavaland, and a fight immediately breaks out between the miners and Ashwalkers before words are exchanged. One of the miners shoots the other with their PA during the exchange, and this happens to result in the miner being critted and quickly finished off by an Ashwalker. The now dead miner decides to become an Ashwalker and immediately kills the other miner who is still fighting at the nest with the other Ashwalkers.
Were there any rules broken in the situation described above and what actions should you take?

Even though the dead miner is free to take up a ghost role upon their death, the instance of accidental friendly fire does not warrant using their new life to track down their killer and get revenge. If this situation did not occur AT the ashwalker nest, I would be liable to believe that this was an instance of metagaming. Since it did occur within the confines of the nest, where I assume this new ashwalker would spawn, I see no specific rules being broken. He spawns in, sees his kindred ashwalkers in combat, and rushes to their aid. Some attempt to talk things out should have been made between the other miner and the ashwalkers, but if either party felt their life was in danger, the fight is valid.

3) Billy Cyrus emags a borg directly, uploading the normal syndicate lawset (quoted below) to the borg. Billy states he is the only syndicate agent on the station and the two go on to do their usual syndicate thing for a while. The cyborg manages to avoid detection, but Billy does not; Billy is set to arrest and all of Security is on high-alert and searching for him. Billy uses his remaining TC to purchase a mulligan and uses it to change his identity and shake security off of his tail.
Toward the end of the round, Billy meets back up with his cyborg companion and upon trying to order it around, the cyborg responds by killing Billy discreetly and leaving his body hidden in maintenance.

Billy opens a ticket to complain about his Borg - When you bwoink the Cyborg, they claim they were unable to follow the orders because they might put Billy in danger, and by disobeying orders they would be putting both themselves and Billy in danger, so they quickly killed the player attempting to follow and order them around to maintain the secrecy of both. How do you respond to both players from here?

Now, this is an interesting case. Law 0 takes priority over law 1, stating that Billy Cyrus is the only Syndicate agent. When Billy Cyrus uses his mulligan, he sheds his former identity and takes on that of another person, therefore becoming someone OTHER than Billy Cyrus. The borg is valid in his decision to kill Billy to prevent the discovery of his syndicate activity, since Billy did not inform the borg of his decision to mulligan prior to its use. I would not punish the borg, but instead respond to Billy’s ticket, reminding Billy of MRP’s naming policy (if this occurred on MRP) against the use of real/famous individuals.

I hope that these answers are satisfactory :sweat_smile:

Question would be, did new Billy try to convince their borgo that they were Billy, just mulligan’ed?

Mulligan changes your identity to the AI

see the council rulings

Question one had no definitive correct answer. I modeled the question after a nearly identical situation that left staff somewhat stumped and a bit conflicted just a couple hours before I posted it at you. You still gave a pretty good answer with sound reasoning behind it, despite this. :stuck_out_tongue:

Question two you hit the nail on the head for the most part. Miner-turned-Ashwalker salty about their death can’t go out of their way to metagrudge the other miner, but they are still an ashwalker now and are allowed to help defend the nest from that miner if they are posing a threat, or if they happen to wander in to them. The part that’s slightly off is this:

Some attempt to talk things out should have been made between the other miner and the ashwalkers, but if either party felt their life was in danger, the fight is valid.

While this is normally how things tend to play out with Ashwalkers, it’s not required. Ashwalkers are valid at all times, and all other entities are valid to Ashwalkers at all times. There is no requirement for diplomacy in any exchange involving them, except when it’s between two Ashwalkers.

Question three you hit every point perfectly, including one I didn’t realize myself (I fucking made up the name Billy Cyrus because this question required a name, and I didn’t realize this was an actual famous person’s name)

The entire application is well written and I have no complaints with it or your answers to the presented questions.


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do you know anything about account named pwno?

How do you plan on going with this?

+1 from me. Sensible application.

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To answer Piterskiy’s question, I don’t know anything about the account under the name pwno. I have used a VPN to play in the past (Private Internet Access), so it may be linked to my VPN usage somehow.

And on my efforts to see a higher standard of roleplay on MRP, I’d like to try out (if just for a short while) some form of whitelist or vetting process on important roles, like security and heads of staff. Another server I’ve played on uses a sort of reputation system to ensure that certain roles aren’t abused by new players or griefers. Obviously, this is all just a theory in my head. I realize that it will more likely come down to an active encouragement of roleplay and more effort put into curbing netspeak usage and “one-man-army” powergame-y scenarios.

As an admin your more like the police than a politician, we get some input and can ask things to be looked into but we just enforce the rules rather than make them.

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This is what I was asking about on my first question. How do you plan on going with this?

I suppose I would like to see rules more actively enforced and edge cases in which the spirit of the rule is broken, but the letter of the rule isn’t dealt with better. Players would rather take the law into their own hands than call security. Like I read somewhere, your character isn’t a trained soldier. You work aboard a research station, not for the army. Chemists would rather make meth and head off to do whatever than fulfill their job responsibilities and make medicines for the medbay. I understand that all situations have some degree of flexibility, but powergaming and metaknowledge are growing issues on MRP. I understand this is probably wishful thinking, but more active administration and better enforcement of the rules could help MRP be more like MRP, and not just high-pop LRP.

That’s fair, though keep in mind that metaknowledge, when not applied through things that would break other rules, isn’t against anything. You’re allowed to know antagonists and how they work etc.


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Bumping to ask if there are any other questions you would like to ask of me.

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Looking at your replies so far I’m happy to give a +1 here
Few questions though cause I’m curious here

  1. You get an ahelp about a pAI being downloaded then screaming about a certain person being an antag, obviously using OOC meta information from when they where a ghost.
    You cant see it in your chat cause you wherent nearby, and for whatever reason you cant find the pAI or its logs, however you do see the pAI existed. What would you do here?

  2. You ban someone for a week due to mutiple notes and other issues however the main ban reason was “Attacked the chef as a non-antag without provocation”.
    The banned player makes an appeal and you have to crawl through logs to see if there actually was any provocation (Picking up a weapon, throwing something) and you find there was, however the amount of notes and small issues during the same round are valid. What would you do in the appeal?

  3. Do you like pizza? if so, what kind?

Well, a pAI shouldn’t know anything about the current shift upon downloading, so I would likely speak to the pAI about their metagaming tendencies and leave them a note. Since I don’t have logs to prove anything, I would not be able to apply a ban in good faith.

Sorry if I’m misinterpreting how you’ve written the second question, but I’m reading it as the player was valid in attacking the chef, as they were provoked and escalated the fight correctly. I think you’re asking if the player’s ban is deserved, but from what I understand, the ban is actually invalid because there was provocation to the attack. I would pull the logs, provide them to the appeal, and remove the ban from their account if it was in fact false. Perhaps I would leave a note regarding their conduct and lack of call for security assistance.

Of course I like pizza. Hawaiian is my favorite kind. Sue me. Hail Papa John’s.

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My poo poo doodoo not knowing the difference between powergaming and metagaming

Bruh, I used the wrong word. My mistake. I’m exhausted today.

Perfect! you’re looking good here man, hope to see you on the team sometime soon, its up to the others though.

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