This is the feedback thread for our Administrator Bloons3.
Please provide your thoughts about how they perform.
This is not the place for ban appeals or player reports but you can mention specific events and how they handled it given you don’t try to change the outcome of the case.
You are expected to keep a somewhat formal tone and give constructive criticism. Insults will not be tolerated.
One time Bloons3 asked me to take him to the supermarket cause his car was being repaired. I thought it was such a little thing that I quickly accepted. I asked him to get me some flaming hot cheetos while in there and he agreed. When I parked he jumped out of the car and put on mask and then I heard screams and gunshots. Not a full two minutes later he runs out with a overfilled bag of cash.
He forgot my cheetos and I will never forgive him.
Shotgunned me (warden) as a Sec officer on the evac shuttle because “he is a syndicate spy!” and then later on the forums admitted to it and said it was because I had “stockpiled lethals” and he thought I was going to kill someone I disagreed with that round, even though it was literally a nukie round and all of sec was ordered to defend departures by the captain
great guy, really good admin, me and some other guy had situation, basically raging and flaming each other, this admin instead of banning , let us talk, he listened to us, and guess what, now me and the guy that flamed me, we are BFF now thanks to this admin
Its typical, staff do not have a knowledge of the rules and council rulings on server. From what I understand they will use their own interpretation of a rule to pass judgment.
Would like to point out that after this, every single one of my interactions (save the admin report and even then it’s still just a mistake) have been positive. I think the shotgun me thing was a one time thing.
Can’t remember the round id but after not one, not two, but THREE ahelps from me, dealt with them all quickly and efficiently. Dependable, hardworking, and all in all, not very formal but he is an absolute legend in my book.