Blazikenowen / Ricardo Jebediah player report

Only thing i see there is that hos is unrobust, getting cucked by brig phys and a moth ?

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you let them out of perma after that

Also cuffing instantly put an end to the fight meaning you couldnt try to leathal the bartender anymore.

yup a moth who is basically pacifistic in nature but starting being agro in retaliation to the hos constant stunning and defended medic after they saved me from crit

i won almost every fight until i got swarmed by like 4 people

Once again that was the mime, did i want him to? Yes absolutly you were being a dick. Did i uncuff and let him out? No

I mean can you call it a win being pushed down by a moth and having to stun the moth because they were released and were actively none hostile

so u were such a shitsec that a fucking mob formed and beat you to death

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Lmao no you got disarmed by the bardender twice, had to flash him to win then wanted to demote me when i called you unrobust.

It wouldn’t be a win if the fight ended there, but it continued

Are you going to add anything to support either side of this story?

who fucking cares about the outcome of the fight, the thing i care about is an ordeal that should have lasted like 5 minutes max, taking the entire round

because you kept going for us and taking hostile action when it could of actively been deescalated hell you know about my character mothball her forgiving nature due to her god and the fact she actively would of just walked back into the cell if you told her to after being released

Because rather than letting the moth go through a timer and be released you made it a huge ordeal that led to you getting mobbed.

the timer was set, and I was literally about to start it when this started

as I said things escalated none of us exactly made good decisions in any of this and well what happened at the end happened

it honestly just seems like miscommunication on peoples ends to me and things getting to escalated with no deescalation

I let them out because i was under the impression that their timer was up. You said you turned off their timer over comms. So why would you just start another when it was done, why not just set a longer timer to begin with?

I actually missed cthulhu say they turned off timer

because it wasn’t done?