Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Ban Length:
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
Round ID:
Note Reason:
Explain yourself on the forums, As mime, broke into the captains office and hung themselves, then DC’d. Why?Appeal Reason:
To start off, my choice to hang myself clearly wasn’t the greatest. It was a late night round/low pop (which doesn’t excuse my actions) and my initial course of action was see what I could find in maintenance like any good mime would do. Such lead me to getting insulated gloves and the normal hacking materials. After scouting id say the entirety of the rad station maints I went ahead and attempted to rewire the curators library to great success. Eventually I found myself in the maints by the captains office, and subsequently in the captains office. After a bit of messing around (replacing some floor tiles, taking some photos with the camera in the office) this is where my round turned, For some reason I still find myself after so many hours refusing to use the cryo systems. So in an attempt to add some spice to the round I say to myself hey let me hang myself and see who comes to get me and go from there. Unfortunately I don’t believe anyone came after several minutes. But clearly the main issue is the breaking into restricted areas without any reason. So on that note ill claim guilt and understand if the ban will continue to be enforced.
Additional Information:
None needed
Thanks for getting back to us.
Please keep in mind that you should be using cryo if you intend to leave the round, and your character shouldnt be commiting suicide either as you’re meant to be a professional working for a major corporation and should act like you want to keep your job. Also Roleplaying insanity or any other mental illness as an excuse to bypass this is not allowed as Nanotrasen would not have hired you in the first place.
Breaking into restricted areas like that also isnt ideal, and could come under self-antag depending on the circumstances too.
This ban was only an explain on forums, so I’ll be lifting it and placing a note on your account in its place.
Please try to do better in the future.
Appeal Processed