Biggamer34 banned by TheNeoGamer42

CKEY: Biggamer34

Admin’s CKEY: TheNeoGamer42

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Sage

Ban Type: Jobban, pAI, AI, Cyborg

Ban Length: 1 week

Ban Date 3/8/2020

Round ID: 13269

Ban Reason: As a crewsimov AI, siphoned the room. Has shown to not really fully follow silicon policy.

Appeal Reason: I think this is a tad bit unjust

Additional Information: The round was a Blood Cult round, your lad was playing as the AI. The thing that I did that caused the ban, was when I siphoned the room next to the cult summoning area. This came from me interpreting my laws, Mostly the “through inaction, allow a crew member to come to harm” part of law 1. Me being the AI, thought it’d be really painful to be ripped apart by an eldritch being, tried to impair the cults ability to do just that, by siphoning the room. I thought that, by not trying to harm the cult (Note the inaction part of law 1), all of the crew would befall a fate far worse, and far more painful, than not having air. Bad part is, your lad was unaware of the council’s ruling on silicone policy and just thought that you had to try and follow your laws.
I don’t think that my ban should entirely be removed, just like, shortened? I guess? In the future I’ll take this into account. Y’all have a nice day’n’ow, I kinda just wanna have some Janni-borg Memes.

You cannot cause harm to prevent harm, but it seems you know that now since you’ve acknowledged the ruling.

I would recommend unban entirely since this was a misunderstanding and first time offense, but with note kept. You have very few (and minor) notes considering your playtime, and none of them involve silicon.

Local Man wakes up at 12, realizing that his unban appeal was pretty stupid, proceeds to go back to bed

I shall lower it to 3 days, which would be about 2 days remaining. Seriously though, please read up on silicon policy and make sure to follow it. Also don’t be a dick when it comes to law interpretation.

Closing this since the ban was lowered and has expired.