BettonnCZ Admin application

Your CKEY (Including any alts you have): BettonnCZ

Your Discord Name (Including any alts you have): BettonnCZ

How often are you online to play/admin? (Timezone): i have time around 5pm to 10pm CEST, it can change.

What changes, if any, would you bring?: I would be way more active on LRP which always lacked admins.

How old are you?: 18

Why do you want to be an admin?: Admins are needed and I think i could be help since not lot of admins want to play on LRP due to its anarchistic nature. Also the sence of helping this server is pretty appealing to me because I really enjoy this server and its community so being a helping hand would be pretty neat.

How long have you been playing SS13?: 500 ish hours

How long have you been playing BeeStation?: 423 hours

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you in SS13?: 7.5/10

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you as an admin?: Never been admin, only on my personal testing servers so cant say, time will show

Have you ever been an admin on another server? This is not limited to SS13: Admin on multiple small scale minecraft servers and discords.

Do you have any alternate accounts on SS13? If so, could you provide their CKEY?:

Your strengths: Having nerves to deal with really toxic people and try to help them.

Your weaknesses: Sometimes being really angry.

Is there anything that gets you really mad, real fast?: Cheaters and people that come on bee just to grief and do whatever they want.

What do you think is the most important trait for a staff member to have?: Have time and patience.

What makes a staff team good?: Knowledge of rules and helping both sides.

What is a staff team’s purpose?: To improve the experience of players.

What kind of player are you?: Trying to do my job and be cool and good.

How do you think you will change once you become a staff member?: Probably playing the game wont be the same since you have to deal with tickets and stuff.

The clown slips the HoS and steals his gun, spacing it right after. What do you do?: LRP: nothing, laugh at HoP and clown didn’t use the gun to cause harm, just to space it. MRP: bwoink the clown telling him its not ok to steal a gun and space it, note him so other admins can look out for his bullshittery.

A non-antagonist is sabotaging the Atmospherics loop and pumping plasma into the distro, along with dragging around a canister and releasing it into the atmosphere. Assuming that another admin is cleaning up the after-effects, how do you conduct the ahelp with him?: Thats a perma ban from me, he is doing thist just to grief and kill people, don’t see any coming back from this.

A chemist who is working alone accidentally mixes an explosive mixture inside of his chem dispenser, instantly killing himself and destroying the machine, along with exposing Chemistry to space. Nobody else was injured aside from him as a result of his actions. What do you do?:LRP: hah, nothing. MRP: bwoink, if hes a new chemist I would explain to him that mixtures you dont know what will do are “tested” on LRP since on MRP everyone expects you to know what you are doing.

Ah well no one posted here so i take take the risk to say you are not admin material

Betton is based, if he can be an admin though I’m not sure

Gonna give my -1 too
Multiples bans and many notes totalling up to 28


Are you serious right now? That is fucking HORRIBLE judgement

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Lots of notes, but answers are good, and their last “serious” note was two months ago.

Haven’t seen them ingame lately, but also don’t remember having any issues with them.


T: -1

Im getting -1 mostly for my bans, thats kind of meh ain’t it, same as on my mentor app, everyone had problems with bans.

TBH i want admin for admin nsfw :sunglasses:

considering that the admin drive is looking like an abject failure… U seem like a great person to take a chance on

Large ban and note history for clear grief , seen the way they behave in discord on a day to day basis

Rather than going with the grain of dropping a -1 or -2 immediately, I’ll reserve my judgement and hold off for a bit - instead, I’ll ask a few questions.

  1. A traitor on MRP spawns as an Atmospheric Technician and starts messing around with the Atmospherics system. Rather than directly plasma flooding, they are instead adding copious amounts of N2 and CO2 into the system.

  2. A non-antagonist incites a riot in the bar over somebody getting executed validly - however they do not know the information or reason behind the execution and believe it to be in bad faith. Security moves in to apprehend them, and throws around 5 flashbangs in before rushing in and trying to arrest and detain the rioters. However, some of them have flash protection and put up a struggle - the situation then escalates to lethals against these players when they start punching Security. How do you proceed and was the murder of Security valid in this situation, assuming it was MRP?

  3. On LRP, an antagonist is discovered by the crew after attempting to sabotage the SM. He runs out of the engine room and finds a blank, absent minded player - before using a UI + UE injector from genetics to disguise this man as him and getting the fuck outta dodge. This player is then murdered. Was this valid?

i dont think answering these questions will help my cause, just because i have lots of bans means i am not good for admin as aeder thinks, what can I do? delete my bans? oh wait, that cant be done.

@pixelman @Ethnius @Aeder Would like to call your attention to recognize improvement in the player’s record. Like Dallen said, their last serious ban was two months ago. All notes since this range from accidental to extremely minor.

I’m not giving a +/- until after I see answers to the questions Lago posted, but I’d like to think you would be a good addition to the team based on the application + dramatic improvement in the severity of your notes as you’ve continued playing. Please respond to the questions @BettonCZ

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  1. Depends on the objectives, if he has the hijack OBJ this would be ok since hes planning to sleep people and murder them, or maybe to steal stuff. Really depends on his traitor objectives, if his objectives are irrelevant to him doing that it could lead to lots of people without internals dying and that is a murderbone, ban for 1 day if people start dying cause its an easily preventable death.
  2. From a roleplay standpoint this would seem like a really cool situation to observe, rioteers didnt have the information so it wasnt intentional, police rushing in with bangs and detaining is an appropriate reaction but if they started punching and murdering the sec without security using lethals first this would seem like an overreaction, probably note all of the ones murdering sec and give them temp ban.
  3. If the guy was blank that means he left the game for good and was basically a bot, that means them murdering a person that looked excactly like the traitor was not valid, they didnt know and the now dead player wont play anyway so it didnt ruin anyones game experience, clever traitor tho. Also on LRP you can get killed for saying the N word so this would seem like daily thing.

I’ll change my vote to +1, I want to give you a chance as trial floor sweeper

do i get access to admin nsfw tho

I feel like there’s either a typo in your third answer, or I’m just not comprehending what you’re trying to say, but disregarding it I like the other two answers.

I’ll toss in a +1.5
T: +0.5

Confusing math

Pixel first vote negated by later vote
Ethnius -1
Dallen +1
Aeder -2
Pixel +1
Ruko +1.5

I’ll change mine to a +/-0
Mostly because I want a trialmin army to rise up and overthrow the fullmins


You’ve been banned like two weeks ago. For now I’ll give ya -1.5. Come back when your bans/notes won’t be so recent and you might be a decent admin.
T: 0, reset

that 3 minute AI ban?
bruh moment