Beeviro feedback thread

From an adminstrative perspective i’d say… just dont make death viruses for no reason?

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Hot take alert: A virologist making a deadly disease is to medicine as an engineer making a CO2 setup. Cool looking if done right, no actual purpose other than be dangerous/flex and if shit goes wrong it goes terribly wrong.

The thing with that being that a Co2 setup makes a fucktone of power, way more than the usual setup does
While the deathvirus is of no benefit to anyone

death viruses are useful for disease mutation, which is intended to increase risk of outbreak if PPE requisites are not followed. That’s the purpose of the monkey cage.

Xenomitosis was definitely not designed to be a public use symptom, what with the slowdown and all. The grubs do produce delicious meat though

hysteria is intended as a stat symptom and something interesting to find on random diseases. And a way for accidents to happen if the virologist is negligent

I don’t want to split symptoms into several separate sources, and several different tiers. I don’t want to have to come up with these symptoms either

tho i could readd the old symptoms as explo exclusive things :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, when I put the virologist in the gibber.

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unlike most things, the grubs ARE farmable from monkeys. you just have to handle the meat with gloves

I like the changes, more weird ass combos. (plus my suicide Vest virus is still possible)

Note change for Hyperactivity. Can you change it so you have a constant (small) speed up buff, but have a constant stam damage. ie, you are flitting around constantly but are much easier to subdue. As someone that has ADHD with a heavy touch of hyperactivity. When you get into the zone, you do get super charged but can be derailed easily.

I would consider putting more virus’s in the level 9 spectrum: only way to find is from blood, crates or other players.

Zombies, unless it’s the Zombie Mutation Toxin, kill zombies need a better indicator that they want brains. Last time I made Zombie Virus, people infected just shrugged and went about their jobs, without being able to pick things up.

No. I dont really want speedups in the viro toolkit, outside of PMC. It’s an anti-stun symptom

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