Beestation Throwbacks

The one time i purchased a 1TC Your Grace and went on a (mostly accidental) rampage that killed 34 people just as the crew was fighting a blob.

(Got a greentext though)


I was so salty about it lmao


Theres one more I remember, it’s when a clown traitor bought the clown car and drove one third of the entire crew into the SM.


There also was that one time i reenacted the entirety of the “Steamed Hams” skit and had several crewmembers gather to watch it


I walked to the secondary surgery room that used to spawn next to surgery in Delta Station. Karen Holmes and another player were there, a monkey resurrected and started attacking Karen Holmes.
I punched the monkey and I was told that it would not work by the third person. I was extremly confuses.
Hal Wisew: This is so normal. Karen Holmes: I know, right?

There is also the time I turned Karen Holmes into a xenomorf queen in a 4h round.
Sentient spider took over medbay consuming all biomas to make more spiders and refuse to leave.
There was an incredible fight be twin the xenomorf queen and over 10 spiders and me healing the xenomorf queen with a medical bean. And atmotecnician broke into the fight burning completely the morge and left. The war was won but the fight continues with more xenomorf and spider fighting in different part of the station. Then we all leave peacifuly the station with even some peaceful spiders.

The last is when the captain and the CMO were desperately trying to revive but he was clon catatonic. So somebody hunted a teratoma and I implanted the brain in the clown. The teratoma started calling us monsters wile he was been dressed us a clown. The captain was very happy but the HOS wanted to murder the clown for his teratoma brain. So a hunt for the HOS was declare.
The teratoma brain also go catatonic and another teratoma I hunted was turned into
Hal Wise: Do you like your new body? I guest is ok. Captain: That sounded illegally sexual.

does anyone else remember that time the arrival shuttle just didn’t dock and every new member of the crew was crammed onto one shuttle that spent an hour floating through the abyss. Every time the shuttle stalls for a second before landing properly i worry


I remember another incident like that.

An admin decided to make the vacant commissary by the bridge a chasm for ??? reason. A traitor clown saw this, purchased a clown car, and managed to get ~15-20 in the car including pretty much all of command before driving in to the abyss.

Around this time admin realized he done goofed hardcore, so they make a centcom message saying they are hiring some Russian crewmembers. Well out they trot wearing their mosins and whatnot.

I was a traitor quartermaster at the time and I successfully argued to the Russian admiral that as quartermaster, I was de jure head of supply and should be de facto head of personnel. I got promoted, and got ez traitor victory because head antags are OP. At some point I also almost got robusted by a chained up prisoner when their handcuffs came off after I started cutting their arm off.

oh my fuckin god i was in that car and became a russian.

Hold up I think I have old pictures\

Yeah admiral DNR’d so I started carrying his corpse around like a real space commie
(ushanka and HOS gear is me)

Event is dated 10/16/2021

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You made me curious so I checked, it was only nine reports against them

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throwback thing


YOUR UBER DRIVER HAS ARRIVED crashed the server with no survivors


Anyone got ss of that time when virus could carry “memetic” symptoms where someone would forcefully emote and it’d infect others?

I vividly remember someone making 20 virus with the same symptoms, forcing people to spam the emote grin

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So everyone is aware, what I posted is not a legit screenshot, it’s a counterfeit.

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The lobby music. Back when it was amazing.


Also this. Happened an entire year ago now.




Actual text from those logs BTW


This is beautiful

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