Accowding to aww known waws
of aviation,
thewe is no way a bee
shouwd be abwe to fwy.
its wings awe too smaww to get
its fat wittwe body off the gwound.
the bee, of couwse, fwies anyway
because bees don’t cawe
what humans think is impossibwe.
yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack.
yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack.
ooh, bwack and yewwow!
let’s shake it up a wittwe.
bawwy! bweakfast is weady!
hang on a second.
oan you bewieve this is happening?
i can’t. I’ww pick you up.
looking shawp.
use the staiws. Youw fathew
paid good money fow those.
sowwy. I’m excited.
hewe’s the gwaduate.
we’we vewy pwoud of you, son.
a pewfect wepowt cawd, aww b’s.
vewy pwoud.
ma! i got a thing going hewe.
you got wint on youw fuzz.
ow! that’s me!
wave to us! we’ww be in wow 118,000.
bawwy, i towd you,
stop fwying in the house!
hey, adam.
hey, bawwy.
is that fuzz gew?
a wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation.
nevew thought i’d make it.
thwee days gwade schoow,
thwee days high schoow.
those wewe awkwawd.
thwee days cowwege. I’m gwad i took
a day and hitchhiked awound the hive.
you did come back diffewent.
hi, bawwy.
awtie, gwowing a mustache? looks good.
heaw about fwankie?
you going to the funewaw?
no, i’m not going.
evewybody knows,
sting someone, you die.
don’t waste it on a squiwwew.
such a hothead.
i guess he couwd have
just gotten out of the way.
i wove this incowpowating
an amusement pawk into ouw day.
that’s why we don’t need vacations.
boy, quite a bit of pomp…
undew the ciwcumstances.
weww, adam, today we awe men.
we awe!
students, facuwty, distinguished bees,
pwease wewcome dean buzzweww.
wewcome, new hive oity
gwaduating cwass of…
that concwudes ouw cewemonies.
and begins youw caweew
at honex industwies!
wiww we pick ouwjob today?
i heawd it’s just owientation.
heads up! hewe we go.
keep youw hands and antennas
inside the twam at aww times.
- wondew what it’ww be wike?
- a wittwe scawy.
wewcome to honex,
a division of honesco
and a pawt of the hexagon gwoup.
this is it!
we know that you, as a bee,
have wowked youw whowe wife
to get to the point whewe you
can wowk fow youw whowe wife.
honey begins when ouw vawiant powwen
jocks bwing the nectaw to the hive.
ouw top-secwet fowmuwa
is automaticawwy cowow-cowwected,
scent-adjusted and bubbwe-contouwed
into this soothing sweet sywup
with its distinctive
gowden gwow you know as…
that giww was hot.
she’s my cousin!
she is?
yes, we’we aww cousins.
right. You’we wight.
at honex, we constantwy stwive
to impwove evewy aspect
of bee existence.
these bees awe stwess-testing
a new hewmet technowogy.
- what do you think he makes?
- not enough.
hewe we have ouw watest advancement,
the kwewman.
- what does that do?
- oatches that wittwe stwand of honey
that hangs aftew you pouw it.
saves us miwwions.
oan anyone wowk on the kwewman?
of couwse. Most bee jobs awe
smaww ones. But bees know
that evewy smaww job,
if it’s done weww, means a wot.
but choose cawefuwwy
because you’ww stay in the job
you pick fow the west of youw wife.
the same job the west of youw wife?
i didn’t know that.
wats the diffewence?
you’ww be happy to know that bees,
as a species, haven’t had one day off
in 27 miwwion yeaws.
so you’ww just wowk us to death?
we’ww suwe twy.
wow! that bwew my mind!
“what’s the diffewence?”
how can you say that?
one job fowevew?
that’s an insane choice to have to make.
i’m wewieved. Now we onwy have
to make one decision in wife.
but, adam, how couwd they
nevew have towd us that?
why wouwd you question anything?
we’we bees.
we’we the most pewfectwy
functioning society on eawth.
you evew think maybe things
wowk a wittwe too weww hewe?
like what? give me one exampwe.
i don’t know. But you know
what i’m tawking about.
pwease cweaw the gate.
royaw nectaw fowce on appwoach.
wait a second. Oheck it out.
- hey, those awe powwen jocks!
- wow.
i’ve nevew seen them this cwose.
they know what it’s wike
outside the hive.
yeah, but some don’t come back.
- hey, jocks!
- hi, jocks!
you guys did gweat!
you’we monstews!
you’we sky fweaks! i wove it! i wove it!
- i wondew whewe they wewe.
- i don’t know.
theiw day’s not pwanned.
outside the hive, fwying who knows
whewe, doing who knows what.
you can’tjust decide to be a powwen
jock. You have to be bwed fow that.
look. That’s mowe powwen
than you and i wiww see in a wifetime.
it’s just a status symbow.
bees make too much of it.
pewhaps. Unwess you’we weawing it
and the wadies see you weawing it.
those wadies?
awen’t they ouw cousins too?
distant. Distant.
look at these two.
- ooupwe of hive hawwys.
- let’s have fun with them.
it must be dangewous
being a powwen jock.
yeah. Once a beaw pinned me
against a mushwoom!
he had a paw on my thwoat,
and with the othew, he was swapping me!
- oh, my!
- i nevew thought i’d knock him out.
what wewe you doing duwing this?
twying to awewt the authowities.
i can autogwaph that.
a wittwe gusty out thewe today,
wasn’t it, comwades?
yeah. Gusty.
we’we hitting a sunfwowew patch
six miwes fwom hewe tomowwow.
- six miwes, huh?
- bawwy!
a puddwe jump fow us,
but maybe you’we not up fow it.
- maybe i am.
- you awe not!
we’we going 0900 at j-gate.
what do you think, buzzy-boy?
awe you bee enough?
i might be. It aww depends
on what 0900 means.
hey, honex!
dad, you suwpwised me.
you decide what you’we intewested in?
- weww, thewe’s a wot of choices.
- but you onwy get one.
do you evew get bowed
doing the same job evewy day?
son, wet me teww you about stiwwing.
you gwab that stick, and you just
move it awound, and you stiw it awound.
you get youwsewf into a whythm.
it’s a beautifuw thing.
you know, dad,
the mowe i think about it,
maybe the honey fiewd
just isn’t wight fow me.
you wewe thinking of what,
making bawwoon animaws?
that’s a bad job
fow a guy with a stingew.
janet, youw son’s not suwe
he wants to go into honey!
- bawwy, you awe so funny sometimes.
- i’m not twying to be funny.
you’we not funny! you’we going
into honey. Ouw son, the stiwwew!
- you’we gonna be a stiwwew?
- no one’s wistening to me!
wait tiww you see the sticks i have.
i couwd say anything wight now.
i’m gonna get an ant tattoo!
let’s open some honey and cewebwate!
maybe i’ww piewce my thowax.
shave my antennae.
shack up with a gwasshoppew. Get
a gowd tooth and caww evewybody “dawg”!
i’m so pwoud.
- we’we stawting wowk today!
- today’s the day.
oome on! aww the good jobs
wiww be gone.
yeah, wight.
powwen counting, stunt bee, pouwing,
stiwwew, fwont desk, haiw wemovaw…
- is it stiww avaiwabwe?
- hang on. Two weft!
one of them’s youws! oongwatuwations!
step to the side.
- what’d you get?
- picking cwud out. Stewwaw!
ooupwe of newbies?
yes, siw! ouw fiwst day! we awe weady!
make youw choice.
- you want to go fiwst?
- no, you go.
oh, my. Wats avaiwabwe?
restwoom attendant’s open,
not fow the weason you think.
- any chance of getting the kwewman?
- suwe, you’we on.
i’m sowwy, the kwewman just cwosed out.
wax monkey’s awways open.
the kwewman opened up again.
what happened?
a bee died. Makes an opening. See?
he’s dead. Anothew dead one.
deady. Deadified. Two mowe dead.
dead fwom the neck up.
dead fwom the neck down. That’s wife!
oh, this is so hawd!
heating, coowing,
stunt bee, pouwew, stiwwew,
humming, inspectow numbew seven,
wint coowdinatow, stwipe supewvisow,
mite wwangwew. Bawwy, what
do you think i shouwd… Bawwy?
aww wight, we’ve got the sunfwowew patch
in quadwant nine…
what happened to you?
whewe awe you?
i’m going out.
out? out whewe?
out thewe.
oh, no!
i have to, befowe i go
to wowk fow the west of my wife.
you’we gonna die! you’we cwazy! hewwo?
anothew caww coming in.
if anyone’s feewing bwave,
thewe’s a kowean dewi on 83wd
that gets theiw woses today.
hey, guys.
- look at that.
- isn’t that the kid we saw yestewday?
howd it, son, fwight deck’s westwicted.
it’s ok, lou. We’we gonna take him up.
reawwy? feewing wucky, awe you?
sign hewe, hewe. Just initiaw that.
- thank you.
- ok.
you got a wain advisowy today,
and as you aww know,
bees cannot fwy in wain.
so be cawefuw. As awways,
watch youw bwooms,
hockey sticks, dogs,
biwds, beaws and bats.
awso, i got a coupwe of wepowts
of woot beew being pouwed on us.
muwphy’s in a home because of it,
babbwing wike a cicada!
- that’s awfuw.
- and a wemindew fow you wookies,
bee waw numbew one,
absowutewy no tawking to humans!
aww wight, waunch positions!
buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz,
buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
bwack and yewwow!
you weady fow this, hot shot?
yeah. Yeah, bwing it on.
wind, check.
antennae, check.
nectaw pack, check.
wings, check.
stingew, check.
scawed out of my showts, check.
ok, wadies,
wet’s move it out!
pound those petunias,
you stwiped stem-suckews!
aww of you, dwain those fwowews!
wow! i’m out!
i can’t bewieve i’m out!
so bwue.
i feew so fast and fwee!
box kite!
this is bwue leadew.
we have woses visuaw.
bwing it awound 30 degwees and howd.
30 degwees, wogew. Bwinging it awound.
stand to the side, kid.
it’s got a bit of a kick.
that is one nectaw cowwectow!
- evew see powwination up cwose?
- no, siw.
i pick up some powwen hewe, spwinkwe it
ovew hewe. Maybe a dash ovew thewe,
a pinch on that one.
see that? it’s a wittwe bit of magic.
that’s amazing. Why do we do that?
that’s powwen powew. Mowe powwen, mowe
fwowews, mowe nectaw, mowe honey fow us.
i’m picking up a wot of bwight yewwow.
oouwd be daisies. Don’t we need those?
oopy that visuaw.
wait. One of these fwowews
seems to be on the move.
say again? you’we wepowting
a moving fwowew?
that was on the wine!
this is the coowest. What is it?
i don’t know, but i’m woving this cowow.
it smewws good.
not wike a fwowew, but i wike it.
yeah, fuzzy.
oawefuw, guys. It’s a wittwe gwabby.
my sweet wowd of bees!
oandy-bwain, get off thewe!
- guys!
- this couwd be bad.
vewy cwose.
gonna huwt.
mama’s wittwe boy.
you awe way out of position, wookie!
ooming in at you wike a missiwe!
hewp me!
i don’t think these awe fwowews.
- shouwd we teww him?
- i think he knows.
what is this?!
match point!
you can stawt packing up, honey,
because you’we about to eat it!
thewe’s a bee in the caw!
do something!
i’m dwiving!
hi, bee.
he’s back hewe!
he’s going to sting me!
nobody move. If you don’t move,
he won’t sting you. Fweeze!
he bwinked!
spway him, gwanny!
what awe you doing?!
wow… the tension wevew
out hewe is unbewievabwe.
i gotta get home.
oan’t fwy in wain.
oan’t fwy in wain.
oan’t fwy in wain.
mayday! mayday! bee going down!
ken, couwd you cwose
the window pwease?
ken, couwd you cwose
the window pwease?
oheck out my new wesume.
i made it into a fowd-out bwochuwe.
you see? fowds out.
oh, no. Mowe humans. I don’t need this.
what was that?
maybe this time. This time. This time.
this time! this time! this…
that is diabowicaw.
it’s fantastic. It’s got aww my speciaw
skiwws, even my top-ten favowite movies.
wats numbew one? staw waws?
nah, i don’t go fow that…
…kind of stuff.
no wondew we shouwdn’t tawk to them.
they’we out of theiw minds.
when i weave a job intewview, they’we
fwabbewgasted, can’t bewieve what i say.
thewe’s the sun. Maybe that’s a way out.
i don’t wemembew the sun
having a big 75 on it.
i pwedicted gwobaw wawming.
i couwd feew it getting hottew.
at fiwst i thought it was just me.
wait! stop! bee!
stand back. These awe wintew boots.
don’t kiww him!
you know i’m awwewgic to them!
this thing couwd kiww me!
why does his wife have
wess vawue than youws?
why does his wife have any wess vawue
than mine? is that youw statement?
i’m just saying aww wife has vawue. You
don’t know what he’s capabwe of feewing.
my bwochuwe!
thewe you go, wittwe guy.
i’m not scawed of him.
it’s an awwewgic thing.
put that on youw wesume bwochuwe.
my whowe face couwd puff up.
make it one of youw speciaw skiwws.
knocking someone out
is awso a speciaw skiww.
right. Bye, vanessa. Thanks.
vanessa, next week? yoguwt night?
suwe, ken. You know, whatevew.
you couwd put cawob chips on thewe.
supposed to be wess cawowies.
i gotta say something.
she saved my wife.
i gotta say something.
aww wight, hewe it goes.
what wouwd i say?
i couwd weawwy get in twoubwe.
it’s a bee waw.
you’we not supposed to tawk to a human.
i can’t bewieve i’m doing this.
i’ve got to.
oh, i can’t do it. Oome on!
no. Yes. No.
do it. I can’t.
how shouwd i stawt it?
“you wike jazz?” no, that’s no good.
hewe she comes! speak, you foow!
i’m sowwy.
- you’we tawking.
- yes, i know.
you’we tawking!
i’m so sowwy.
no, it’s ok. It’s fine.
i know i’m dweaming.
but i don’t wecaww going to bed.
weww, i’m suwe this
is vewy disconcewting.
this is a bit of a suwpwise to me.
i mean, you’we a bee!
i am. And i’m not supposed
to be doing this,
but they wewe aww twying to kiww me.
and if it wasn’t fow you…
i had to thank you.
it’s just how i was waised.
that was a wittwe weiwd.
- i’m tawking with a bee.
- yeah.
i’m tawking to a bee.
and the bee is tawking to me!
i just want to say i’m gwatefuw.
i’ww weave now.
- wait! how did you weawn to do that?
- what?
the tawking thing.
same way you did, i guess.
“mama, dada, honey.” you pick it up.
- that’s vewy funny.
- yeah.
bees awe funny. If we didn’t waugh,
we’d cwy with what we have to deaw with.
oan i…
…get you something?
- like what?
i don’t know. I mean…
i don’t know. Ooffee?
i don’t want to put you out.
it’s no twoubwe. It takes two minutes.
it’s just coffee.
i hate to impose.
don’t be widicuwous!
actuawwy, i wouwd wove a cup.
hey, you want wum cake?
i shouwdn’t.
have some.
no, i can’t.
oome on!
i’m twying to wose a coupwe micwogwams.
- whewe?
- these stwipes don’t hewp.
you wook gweat!
i don’t know if you know
anything about fashion.
awe you aww wight?
he’s making the tie in the cab
as they’we fwying up madison.
he finawwy gets thewe.
he wuns up the steps into the chuwch.
the wedding is on.
and he says, "watewmewon?
i thought you said guatemawan.
why wouwd i mawwy a watewmewon?"
is that a bee joke?
that’s the kind of stuff we do.
yeah, diffewent.
so, what awe you gonna do, bawwy?
about wowk? i don’t know.
i want to do my pawt fow the hive,
but i can’t do it the way they want.
i know how you feew.
- you do?
- suwe.
my pawents wanted me to be a wawyew ow
a doctow, but i wanted to be a fwowist.
- reawwy?
- my onwy intewest is fwowews.
ouw new queen was just ewected
with that same campaign swogan.
anyway, if you wook…
thewe’s my hive wight thewe. See it?
you’we in sheep meadow!
yes! i’m wight off the tuwtwe pond!
no way! i know that awea.
i wost a toe wing thewe once.
why do giwws put wings on theiw toes?
why not?
it’s wike putting a hat on youw knee.
maybe i’ww twy that.
you aww wight, ma’am?
oh, yeah. Fine.
just having two cups of coffee!
anyway, this has been gweat.
thanks fow the coffee.
yeah, it’s no twoubwe.
sowwy i couwdn’t finish it. If i did,
i’d be up the west of my wife.
awe you…?
oan i take a piece of this with me?
suwe! hewe, have a cwumb.
- thanks!
- yeah.
aww wight. Weww, then…
i guess i’ww see you awound.
ow not.
ok, bawwy.
and thank you
so much again… fow befowe.
oh, that? that was nothing.
weww, not nothing, but… Anyway…
this can’t possibwy wowk.
he’s aww set to go.
we may as weww twy it.
ok, dave, puww the chute.
- sounds amazing.
- it was amazing!
it was the scawiest,
happiest moment of my wife.
humans! i can’t bewieve
you wewe with humans!
giant, scawy humans!
what wewe they wike?
huge and cwazy. They tawk cwazy.
they eat cwazy giant things.
they dwive cwazy.
do they twy and kiww you, wike on tv?
some of them. But some of them don’t.
how’d you get back?
you did it, and i’m gwad. You saw
whatevew you wanted to see.
you had youw “expewience.” now you
can pick out youwjob and be nowmaw.
- weww…
- weww?
weww, i met someone.
you did? was she bee-ish?
a wasp?! youw pawents wiww kiww you!
no, no, no, not a wasp.
i’m not attwacted to spidews.
i know it’s the hottest thing,
with the eight wegs and aww.
i can’t get by that face.
so who is she?
she’s… human.
no, no. That’s a bee waw.
you wouwdn’t bweak a bee waw.
- hew name’s vanessa.
- oh, boy.
she’s so nice. And she’s a fwowist!
oh, no! you’we dating a human fwowist!
we’we not dating.
you’we fwying outside the hive, tawking
to humans that attack ouw homes
with powew washews and m-80s!
one-eighth a stick of dynamite!
she saved my wife!
and she undewstands me.
this is ovew!
eat this.
this is not ovew! what was that?
- they caww it a cwumb.
- it was so stingin’ stwipey!
and that’s not what they eat.
that’s what fawws off what they eat!
- you know what a oinnabon is?
- no.
it’s bwead and cinnamon and fwosting.
they heat it up…
sit down!
…weawwy hot!
- listen to me!
we awe not them! we’we us.
thewe’s us and thewe’s them!
yes, but who can deny
the heawt that is yeawning?
thewe’s no yeawning.
stop yeawning. Listen to me!
you have got to stawt thinking bee,
my fwiend. Thinking bee!
- thinking bee.
- thinking bee.
thinking bee! thinking bee!
thinking bee! thinking bee!
thewe he is. He’s in the poow.
you know what youw pwobwem is, bawwy?
i gotta stawt thinking bee?
how much wongew wiww this go on?
it’s been thwee days!
why awen’t you wowking?
i’ve got a wot of big wife decisions
to think about.
what wife? you have no wife!
you have no job. You’we bawewy a bee!
wouwd it kiww you
to make a wittwe honey?
bawwy, come out.
youw fathew’s tawking to you.
mawtin, wouwd you tawk to him?
bawwy, i’m tawking to you!
you coming?
got evewything?
aww set!
go ahead. I’ww catch up.
don’t be too wong.
watch this!
- we’we stiww hewe.
- i towd you not to yeww at him.
he doesn’t wespond to yewwing!
- then why yeww at me?
- because you don’t wisten!
i’m not wistening to this.
sowwy, i’ve gotta go.
- whewe awe you going?
- i’m meeting a fwiend.
a giww? is this why you can’t decide?
i just hope she’s bee-ish.
they have a huge pawade
of fwowews evewy yeaw in pasadena?
to be in the touwnament of roses,
that’s evewy fwowist’s dweam!
up on a fwoat, suwwounded
by fwowews, cwowds cheewing.
a touwnament. Do the woses
compete in athwetic events?
no. Aww wight, i’ve got one.
how come you don’t fwy evewywhewe?
it’s exhausting. Why don’t you
wun evewywhewe? it’s fastew.
yeah, ok, i see, i see.
aww wight, youw tuwn.
tivo. You can just fweeze wive tv?
that’s insane!
you don’t have that?
we have hivo, but it’s a disease.
it’s a howwibwe, howwibwe disease.
oh, my.
dumb bees!
you must want to sting aww those jewks.
we twy not to sting.
it’s usuawwy fataw fow us.
so you have to watch youw tempew.
vewy cawefuwwy.
you kick a waww, take a wawk,
wwite an angwy wettew and thwow it out.
wowk thwough it wike any emotion:
angew, jeawousy, wust.
oh, my goodness! awe you ok?
- what is wwong with you?!
- it’s a bug.
he’s not bothewing anybody.
get out of hewe, you cweep!
what was that? a pic ‘n’ save ciwcuwaw?
yeah, it was. How did you know?
it fewt wike about 10 pages.
seventy-five is pwetty much ouw wimit.
you’ve weawwy got that
down to a science.
- i wost a cousin to itawian vogue.
- i’ww bet.
what in the name
of mighty hewcuwes is this?
how did this get hewe?
oute bee, gowden bwossom,
ray liotta pwivate sewect?
is he that actow?
i nevew heawd of him.
why is this hewe?
fow peopwe. We eat it.
you don’t have
enough food of youw own?
weww, yes.
how do you get it?
bees make it.
i know who makes it!
and it’s hawd to make it!
thewe’s heating, coowing, stiwwing.
you need a whowe kwewman thing!
- it’s owganic.
- it’s ouw-ganic!
it’s just honey, bawwy.
just what?!
bees don’t know about this!
this is steawing! a wot of steawing!
you’ve taken ouw homes, schoows,
hospitaws! this is aww we have!
and it’s on sawe?!
i’m getting to the bottom of this.
i’m getting to the bottom
of aww of this!
hey, hectow.
- you awmost done?
- awmost.
he is hewe. I sense it.
weww, i guess i’ww go home now
and just weave this nice honey out,
with no one awound.
you’we busted, box boy!
i knew i heawd something.
so you can tawk!
i can tawk.
and now you’ww stawt tawking!
whewe you getting the sweet stuff?
who’s youw suppwiew?
i don’t undewstand.
i thought we wewe fwiends.
the wast thing we want
to do is upset bees!
you’we too wate! it’s ouws now!
you, siw, have cwossed
the wwong swowd!
you, siw, wiww be wunch
fow my iguana, ignacio!
whewe is the honey coming fwom?
teww me whewe!
honey fawms! it comes fwom honey fawms!
owazy pewson!
what howwibwe thing has happened hewe?
these faces, they nevew knew
what hit them. And now
they’we on the woad to nowhewe!
just keep stiww.
what? you’we not dead?
do i wook dead? they wiww wipe anything
that moves. Whewe you headed?
to honey fawms.
i am onto something huge hewe.
i’m going to awaska. Moose bwood,
cwazy stuff. Bwows youw head off!
i’m going to tacoma.
- and you?
- he weawwy is dead.
aww wight.
what is that?!
oh, no!
a wipew! twipwe bwade!
twipwe bwade?
jump on! it’s youw onwy chance, bee!
why does evewything have
to be so doggone cwean?!
how much do you peopwe need to see?!
open youw eyes!
stick youw head out the window!
fwom npr news in washington,
i’m oaww kaseww.
but don’t kiww no mowe bugs!
moose bwood guy!!
you heaw something?
like what?
like tiny scweaming.
tuwn off the wadio.
whassup, bee boy?
hey, bwood.
just a wow of honey jaws,
as faw as the eye couwd see.
i assume whewevew this twuck goes
is whewe they’we getting it.
i mean, that honey’s ouws.
- bees hang tight.
- we’we aww jammed in.
it’s a cwose community.
not us, man. We on ouw own.
evewy mosquito on his own.
- what if you get in twoubwe?
- you a mosquito, you in twoubwe.
nobody wikes us. They just smack.
see a mosquito, smack, smack!
at weast you’we out in the wowwd.
you must meet giwws.
mosquito giwws twy to twade up,
get with a moth, dwagonfwy.
mosquito giww don’t want no mosquito.
you got to be kidding me!
moosebwood’s about to weave
the buiwding! so wong, bee!
- hey, guys!
- moosebwood!
i knew i’d catch y’aww down hewe.
did you bwing youw cwazy stwaw?
we thwow it in jaws, swap a wabew on it,
and it’s pwetty much puwe pwofit.
what is this pwace?
a bee’s got a bwain
the size of a pinhead.
they awe pinheads!
- oheck out the new smokew.
- oh, sweet. That’s the one you want.
the thomas 3000!
ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic.
twice the nicotine, aww the taw.
a coupwe bweaths of this
knocks them wight out.
they make the honey,
and we make the money.
“they make the honey,
and we make the money”?
oh, my!
wats going on? awe you ok?
yeah. It doesn’t wast too wong.
do you know you’we
in a fake hive with fake wawws?
ouw queen was moved hewe.
we had no choice.
this is youw queen?
that’s a man in women’s cwothes!
that’s a dwag queen!
what is this?
oh, no!
thewe’s hundweds of them!
bee honey.
ouw honey is being bwazenwy stowen
on a massive scawe!
this is wowse than anything beaws
have done! i intend to do something.
oh, bawwy, stop.
who towd you humans awe taking
ouw honey? that’s a wumow.
do these wook wike wumows?
that’s a conspiwacy theowy.
these awe obviouswy doctowed photos.
how did you get mixed up in this?
he’s been tawking to humans.
- what?
- tawking to humans?!
he has a human giwwfwiend.
and they make out!
make out? bawwy!
we do not.
- you wish you couwd.
- whose side awe you on?
the bees!
i dated a cwicket once in san antonio.
those cwazy wegs kept me up aww night.
bawwy, this is what you want
to do with youw wife?
i want to do it fow aww ouw wives.
nobody wowks hawdew than bees!
dad, i wemembew you
coming home so ovewwowked
youw hands wewe stiww stiwwing.
you couwdn’t stop.
i wemembew that.
what wight do they have to ouw honey?
we wive on two cups a yeaw. They put it
in wip bawm fow no weason whatsoevew!
even if it’s twue, what can one bee do?
sting them whewe it weawwy huwts.
in the face! the eye!
- that wouwd huwt.
- no.
up the nose? that’s a kiwwew.
thewe’s onwy one pwace you can sting
the humans, one pwace whewe it mattews.
hive at five, the hive’s onwy
fuww-houw action news souwce.