Bc he locked the appeal

Ruko in response to me (among others) asking for logs to give context to a 2 person metacomms permban:

“No admin will ever be able to convince you that a permanent ban is justified Sole. Log diving for proof on metacomms is something that would require pulling pretty much the entire rounds’ logs since it’s proven by showing that something didn’t happen.

Asking for logs to prove someone didn’t talk in a specific situation is like asking for logs to prove someone didn’t set off a bomb. There is no log that someone didn’t set off a bomb, we simply post “there was no bomb”.”

My opinion on permabans is that they should be RARE. That’s it. In my opinion, they aren’t. You’re acting like I’m trying to lead some unholy and chaotic revolution to prevent all permabans, it’s childish. Especially because I think you have shown some inclination that says you don’t completely disagree with me.

The only reason I felt ‘brave’ enough to comment in the first place was because I remembered reading in the admin/banning conduct policy thing that permabans should happen in accordance after temp bans, which was not the case with the Frivk and Ruku ban.

I’m not trying to antagonize or instigate, I’m commenting on a public forum because that’s purpose of a forum. You’ve done the bare minimum because you’re annoyed and because you think I’m against ALL permabans. That’s not fucking true. You really expect me to believe that if another admin had asked for the logs, you would’ve given them the response you gave me?

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Why you shilling when its not even your ban

is ‘shilling’ irish for shitting?


Nono thats “shiteing”
Or im having a shite

I didn’t need logs
I just wanted the context
Was it just doing a job he should be able to do without any speaking
Or was it valid hunting etc


You’re acting like I’m trying to lead some unholy and chaotic revolution to prevent all permabans

I’m not trying to antagonize or instigate

Not even gonna lie, both of these are exactly what it feels like. If that’s not the case I genuinely apologize. You’re welcome to make your arguments about why you think permanent bans should be rare, but they’ve been heard now by pretty much the entire admin team. We’ve stepped back our bans considerably for the most part a few weeks back and we adopted a lighter policy in general. Certain things still warrant permas regardless of your opinion though, especially after chances have already been given.

While you’re welcome to disagree, so are we; metacomms third offense for each party’s gain warrants a perma. We have no obligation to allow them to completely ruin a round before stepping in when we already know the metacomms are taking place, and going further than just teaching each other as they claim.

I don’t remember the exact context of their ban and I don’t want to post what I think I remember since it’s been ten days since the ban was approved and I’ve looked at some other meta situations since. I do remember it warranted action, and also agree with @St0rmC4st3r that ten days is too soon to appeal, so I locked once that verdict was given by the banning admin

(Also if you want to ghetto quote, put a > before the text on a new line @anon58190875)

While I’d think it’d be better for a non-permaban to happen before a permaban in the majority of cases, I appreciate the lack of hostility in ur response. Also did u delete those comments? And who talks the most shit about me in the admin chats

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Yes I deleted the completely off-topic posts that added nothing to the thread. I wanted to keep the thread at least somewhat serious instead of letting it immediately devolve into shitposts.

And who talks the most shit about me in the admin chats

You know I couldn’t answer this even if I had an answer. We don’t just shit on players there though (NGL definitely does happen sometimes, it’s like a customer service break room) but we take suggestions and feedback seriously, especially when as much thought and time go into the posts as yours do.

You’re currently a permabanned player for ban evading, but you’re making arguments in a civilized tone and with actual reasoning behind them instead of


Not sure if you caught that storm yesterday or not

i did not catch that yesterday

Well, offer your F for @Clown, it’s safe to say he won’t be joining us again. Pretty hard to appeal when you push your ban so far as to get banned from the game, forums and discord on original account + alts

Another solider taken too damn soon

To be fair, he did it to himself.

Lemme see that F regardless
Average joe
Green tea
Dimas maybe

Drop a f for the fallen

@anon60218928 shitpost it up, real convo is over I guess

I came
I saw
I came again
I derailed thread
Lemme read it and get this back on topic
@Ruko why is he permabanned?

Sole? Ban evasion. If I remember right he was bragging in LOOC about it and someone screencapped it and sent it to an admin and he was banned.

F I shall do my research and come back with both my findings and my meme on the situation

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Godspeed my glorious shitposter.

Yeah godspeed bc Rod obviously has me confused with someone else