Battteryban ban appeal (electric boogaloo edition!)

CKEY: BatteryBan

Admin’s CKEY: Bastian

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: MRP

Which server did the ban happen on? MRP

Ban Type: server

Ban Length: 1 week

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 4/12/2020

Round ID: 14545

Ban Reason: Extremely non mrp behavior, like spamming ANAL ANAL ANAL over the announcements.

Appeal Reason: Alright look I’m slightly buzzed from earlier today, and I’ll admit I was having a giggling fit over the fact that I just sent a serverwide message saying “ANAL ANAL ANAL ANAL” It’s not a MRP thing to do especially for a captain and considering this is my first and ever note/ban I’ve ever received from this server (as far as im aware) I ask that at the bare minimum the ban length is reduced from 1 week to 1/2 days at the MINIMUM as a former admin I think I can argue that a ban that long for this matter is overkill and a ban in general for this is over the top but I leave that decision up to you Bass. If this is how the rules really are then my style of play has got to change.

Additional Information:
insert big nose joke

hey whats this green thing by my head

Banned from the server for 1 week - Extremely non mrp behavior, like spamming ANAL ANAL ANAL over the announcements.

The real ban reason.
Alright lads give ye opinions

Damn man. I was advocating for a heavy reduction for you. But an appeal like this isn’t gonna help anything. For starters it’s breaking forum rules, and inciting the person who’s okay a reduction.

Round ID and reason can be found on the ban page of beestation website. No one can really take this serious as written.

ok fine ill go edit it so it isnt a blatant shitpost

Yeah. Was on for this as well.
We had to reject station names of similar spam as well. Not really captainy behaviour. Let alone MRP

In favor of reducing ban length if an actual appeal is made instead of this.


insert 20 character limit funny joke here

Agree with the ban logic and edited appeal, however spamming it more here and going after bass was lame. I’d support anything other than an extension at this point from Bass

the professional shitposter said so, so now you have to unban me

i didnt do shit for bee tho i just kinda talked with people and shitposted

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What we can’t express a valid opinion now?
You call for justice and equality and this is how I’m treated?


ok im trying to get this reduced go shitpost in crossed’s dms

Ok this do be funny doe

Appeals take weeks
Specially bass

Reduced to 5 days.

Post seems unclear