Banned for killing gasping group on a shuttle

CKEY: electrosssnake

Admin’s CKEY: averagejoe22

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: I guess both, issued on LRP

Ban Type: No play :frowning:

Ban Length: 21 days ???

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2019-12-09 08:23

Round ID: 10039

Ban Reason: Using grenades on shuttle on blob round. Killed 2 people. Not the first time he is doing this. Authed by Bass

Appeal Reason: That’s kinda stupid ban because we were near the shuttle control console, then explosion happened outside of our room (wow very cool explosion on the shuttle? doesn’t it sound familiar?) it broke our airlock (it broke it that way so it doesn’t open and the space tiles were just outside of it) and we all three started gasping so I decided to end ourselves in a memorizable way - blow us up. I decided to do this to not just lie down on the floor and gasp because it’s a long death (and not fun). We were the only people alive so we just ended round quickly. Then admin pops up and says “(N-WORD) you killed last people that could fight blob” And I reply that we were just gasping so why we would wait for this long death. And surely I do not reconnect automatically and I am like huh.
So I reconnect and see a 21-day ban. Not that I do understand the ban length nor its a purpose.

Additional Information:
Of my side of the view, I didn’t ruin something and didn’t make somebody go “AAH FUCKING GRIEFING CUNT WHY YOU GRRHHHH.”
If I didn’t make this, nothing would have changed. So the ban isn’t even required.

Killing people just because they were in the process of dying and you’re the last people left alive is not a reason to kill people.

Since, if you’re still at the station, you can find ways to NOT die from a hazardous shuttle.

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Yup, that ban was pretty much expected. You were also banned not more than a day ago for using grenades too.

I we couldn’t do anything because airlock was broken and there was a big space hole after it.

Still, you could just, like, not randomly chuck 100u grenades to kill people for no reason and end rounds? Consider that

To be a bit honest die with this grenade not using it is pepe sad.

I agree that I could’ve but still

Tbh you don’t come across as very sorry for doing it. Kinda the point of an appeal.

It’s obvious that I still respect admin work, because I am not going crazy about ban.

So what you’re saying is, you killed 2 innocent people for gasping. What shuttle was this?

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The absolute most I’m willing to lower this to is 2 weeks. The reason why is that you have multiple notes for THIS EXACT THING. And it was pubbys default shuttle, iirc.

Emergency, but we were the only one who left, gasping.

So it had multiple rooms that they could have escaped to with a crowbar

Fun fact: This was caused by another explosion in passanger area and it killed 3 people, I seen their corpless lying on space…

Yes, but it still doesn’t excuse the fact he blew up the shuttle. It also broke the command and sec rooms, meaning med and cargo are the only places you could chill.

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No, It was a command area and airlock was fucked and we could crowbar it, its in this state idk how it’s called

then they could have chilled there instead of getting blown up lol

We were gasping, all plus space cold and low pressure.

I mean he still killed multiple people AND fucked most of the shuttle. edit: air wise fucked it

No, shuttle was fucked before and yeah, blob