Ban appeal sqandy sage

CKEY: Gudzest

**Admin’s CKEY:**YoshimiWasTaken

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: both

Which server did the ban happen on? sage

Ban Type: i don’t know the types of bans, it says “global ban” or soemthing

Ban Length: Month long

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 02.12.2020

Round ID: 24623

Ban Reason: Critted a security officer for no reason as nonantag, and then tried to strip them. DCed before bwoink.

Appeal Reason: i was a lawyer, i entered the brig. this security officer told me to “get the fuck out” or something like that in agressive tone. i told him that i work here, he pulled out tear gas so my greytide PTSD kicked in and i proceeded to robust him. He used against me every single piece of equipment that he had against me so i took it all from him (not gonna lie, im pretty proud of this fight and my robust skills) I cuffed him and took his stuff to sell it later to clown or assistants on space ebay. i may overreacted a bit but if i didn’t react i would get arrested for imaginary trespassing.

Additional Information: im a squid person

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Thats cool and all that you think your robust, but why did disconnect before bwoink?

Fucking based as hell. Jesus christ robusting shitsec is so fucking great 10/10 unbean her

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Wait you were an antag?


Aren’t antags literally allowed to kill security at any time, as long as the method isnt too destructive?
EG: plasmaflooding brig vs single 1v1 combat in maint


i was put in perma and i didn’t know i was going to get bwoinked

I mean, what he did literally isn’t against the rules. Plus if he got permabrigged, then he should have been able to DC any time he wanted


Hi yes dumbass here so I missed the ‘non’, just a moment I can fix it


Thats like very fucking important. Bruh!


oh yeah, right. i misspelled that

It wasn’t your fault I was a little ditzy there and I’m sincerely sorry, that fuck-up was on my end and I’d fully understand if you’re mad at me for that :sweat_smile: I’ll check logs for this one

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it’s okay, im not mad

uhhhhhhhh, im a dude

Well, going from logs it DOES appear as though you’ve escalated properly, my apologies, I shall unban as soon as possible.

Locking and archiving.