Ban appeal-Shitting in mouths

Na Rukos more got the right of it. I just don’t see the funny. Shouldn’t start as a MRP perma ban for first RP break. Although it should escalate pretty quick from here.

considering wgw and shit is bannable for erp now, this should stay to keep it in line with others. still don’t support that hard of a ban, let me set wgw to my maxcap ree

being banned from both servers or this is gay. i ban whoever banned you

I agree with the general consensus here: Not erotic in any way, but pretty disgusting and not something that should be happening on Sage. Lowering it to a 1 week ban from MRP only. If you wish to play on the MRP server, you should roleplay like a normal, functioning human being and not act out ‘Shitting in people mouths’. Ban will be updated when I get on in a bit.

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