Ban appeal. Resisting security is now illegal and ban-worthy

CKEY: electrosssnake

Admin’s CKEY: pixelman77

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: both

Which server did the ban happen on? lrp

Ban Type: game ban

Ban Length: 3 d

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-06-28 13:42

Round ID: 17818

Ban Reason: Overescalation, striped HOS and left them cuffed in maints, killed them when they tried to take their stuff back using a disabler.

Appeal Reason: So let’s take the situation more in-depth. HoS was a deliberately bitching around and went to the point when he just stole captain’s spare and even said “I am the captain”. So when I saw HoS shooting disabler at my fellow assistant I decided to chloral hydrate HoS and cuff him, then strip shit. That’s the moment a found out the he stole captain’s spare. I don’t like that kind of behaviour but I didn’t to much. While I was stripping him the CE and other assistant came to rescue HoS from the dorms while I was stripping him, but after they found out who was getting stripped they just said “Oh wait, this is nice.” And they welded the wall back. I didn’t do much else but to close the dorms door that was already compromised. Then I get bwoinked about stripping HoS in which I reply “Should’ve not bitched around” or something like that. This was a bad reply, I actually meant to say that if you pick HoS you just like have to do stuff what you are supposed to and not to steal shit that you should have.

Now, this is the part that I am actually getting banned, and this is my main complaint, because the actual ban reason is so retarded, that I just can’t bear with it to wait 3 days.
Then while I am walking around doing other stuff the HoS gets revived takes a disabler(how the fuck did he even get it? Oh, probably the backpack that I left at the dorms lol) and tries to DISABLE me, substantially he loses to me and I shove kill him. Now, the reason states: killed them when they tried to take their stuff back using a disabler.
Oh yeah? Really? So what admin is saying to me that I should’ve just fucking surrendered? Or nononno he would’ve just took my items and not perma/kill me? Is that a fucking unfunny joke? So what my ban states that the HoS is zero threat to me and that he just wanted to fuck me and that’s okay and if you resist you get banned. What? Where did I miss the sense from that one? Admin replied to my “He would’ve fucked me” with : “You see he just wanted to take his stuff back with the disabler, he’d kill you already if he wanted to”. That’s when I lost it completely, even somewhere the wiki says it’s not about the damage, it’s about stuns and incapacitations.

So to wrap this to an end I can’t mog, and I can’t resist security because that’s bannable. What?

Additional Information: What the fuck?

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Haven’t gotten through the whole post yet, but uhh resisting security and killing security are two very different things.

No, the thing is I didn’t have an intent to kill, but because the went back on me that meant that he’s gonna try it over and over again, that’s why killing is necessary and somewhat justifed. Like if I haven’t done this he would’ve tried that again. Pixelman77 said that nah nah nah nah, he’s not gonna try to cuck you anymore. On which I doubted and replied with “revive him and see what happends.”. Tell me if I am wrong?

I didn’t intend to kill him officer I just stabbed him 20 times


the crew had previously killed the captain, tia literally handed me the spare, you cholaral hydrated me randomly, cuffed me, dragged me to a crew cabin, full stripped me and then left me in in after bolting it shut.

I was the acting captain, i had been on the station for about 30 seconds and we hadnt interacted at all.

After I tried to shoot a disabler at you to get my shit back (you had stolen everything, a crew member took pity and gave me a disabler) you cholaral hydrated me again and shoved me against a wall till i died, you then made sure no one could clone my body by entombing it

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You do crime, sec is expected and allowed to arrest you. You can’t lethal sec when they’re using entirely non-lethal weaponry against you especially.

Yes, you are expected to run from or disable sec, not kill them. You’re welcome to and allowed to resist, but it’s very clear over-escalation here to me.

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Once again you show you have absolutely no idea how escalation works. If someone does anything to you, you immediately escalate to lethal force. You are expected to use the equivalent level of force someone is using against you and only escalate to a higher level of force if either a: they do so or b: they don’t stop after you deal with them using the appropriate level of force.

pretty sure the first robbery was bannable considering it went past a robbery and into self antag when they literally took everything from me and left me in a bolted room naked but hey

I didn’t have intent before. When he attacked me again I had it.

But hey the room was compromised already and it was obvious that somebody’s gonna rescue him, and as the pixelman77 called me the future predictor it happened!

Oh yeah? So then you are telling me that I should’ve perma’d HoS?

What would he do afterwards after he stunned me huh? Give a pat on a back? I don’t think so. He’s granted a possibility of unlimited fuckery with me, so I grant it too.

Extend the ban and add this to the reason. CHing HoS for no reason is a ban on its own.

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Oh yeah? So greytiding is now bannable?

ruining other peoples round fnr is bannable yes

greytiding does not = murder

there’s a line between being a greytider and being a piece of shit

You literally mugged HOS who was acting captian and took his golden spare ID + some other highrisk things. in the bwoink you kept saying that he was “acting like a bitch” and that’s why you robbed them (acting like a bitch 10 mins into the round bruh)
then you proceed to CH him while he was doing his job. and you kill them when they try to disable you because "they would’ve killed me if I didn’t killed them)
and you have several overescalation notes. I think I could’ve even banned you for a week for this.

Resist sec =|= start a fight with sec then kill them while they try to arrest you non lethaly

dont forget he prevented me from being cloned/healed after killing me