Ban appeal raphael2033 raiding and griefing crossedfall


**Admin’s CKEY:**crossedfall

**Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:**both

**Which server did the ban happen on?**both

**Ban Type:**server

**Ban Length:**9999 years

**Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):**2020-09-30 14:50

**Round ID:**22015

**Ban Reason:**Server griefing & raiding

**Appeal Reason:**i mistaked on every choise on the raiding and griefing as i ask for another chance to redeem as i did wrong i have improved in these 3 months i am sorry i wont ever make this mistake again

**Additional Information:**i joined the wrong side as i did not knew the host of carpstation was really racist


raphael2033’s character arc

I just want him to be unbanned so when he eventually gets banned again he makes more ban appeals, all the appeals he made were fucking hilarious to read.

Given your history on Bee and everything you tried to organize externally, I’m inclined to deny this. That being said, I’ll give you a chance as a show of good faith. If you can get a reputable server to vouch for your recent good behavior, I’d be willing to give you thin ice return.

I’ve set this appeal to auto close at the end of the week, if you can’t get a reputable vouch by then this appeal will be denied.

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wich server you mean

TG, Fulpstation, Goonststion, Paradise, Austation, CM, TGMC.

There’s probably others, but all of these come to mind.

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the only thing i did wich was good on tg station was to get entire nukie squad on my clown car and almost be able to dust myself into sm but had to die to emiters due sm being bolted down

A vouch doesn’t ask for you to be robust, it asks that you get an admin to say “Yeah, Raphael2033 behaved recently”

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