Ban appeal raphael_2033 maxcap


**Admin’s CKEY:**whyiscaeciliustaken

**Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:**all

**Which server did the ban happen on?**lrp

**Ban Type:**job ban

**Ban Length:**9999-01-01 12:00

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-08-14

**Round ID:**19863

**Ban Reason:**Used ghost knowledge to come back as a posibrain and get people to activate a maxcap

**Appeal Reason:**the incident was well a incident first they made me do it saying to me send the code 25 to a remote sing and i did it as also i did not knew the maxcap was on the station but on ai sat due him saying the maxcap was to kill ai, as also i did not expected to the maxcap be so powerfulll

Additional Information: Chat

DEAD: Seen-Jasuda says, “put code 25 into a signaller”

i was a posi when this hapened as also i did not put the code
i made someone put for me

Deadchat Discussion with Albert

[2020-08-14 14:01:08.059] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “AI IS FUCKING MALF” (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:01:33.042] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “and about this apc” (AI Chamber (215, 141, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:01:45.541] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “that hacked” (AI Chamber (215, 141, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:01:48.104] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “i got here” (AI Chamber (215, 141, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:02:52.659] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “i wish ai called shuttle” (Departure Lounge (106, 66, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:02:55.996] SAY: albertblackwell/(Seen-Jasuda) (DEAD) “put code 25 into a signaller” (Research Division (120, 91, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:02.264] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “what” (Atmospherics (166, 117, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:03.433] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “why” (Atmospherics (166, 117, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:06.265] SAY: albertblackwell/(Seen-Jasuda) (DEAD) “if u get revived,” (Research and Development (116, 105, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:12.482] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “bomb?” (Security Post - Research Division (120, 110, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:15.570] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “and i wont” (Security Post - Research Division (120, 110, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:23.571] SAY: albertblackwell/(Seen-Jasuda) (DEAD) “no” (Robotics Lab (118, 87, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:28.056] SAY: albertblackwell/(Seen-Jasuda) (DEAD) “it'll” (Robotics Lab (118, 87, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:30.653] SAY: albertblackwell/(Seen-Jasuda) (DEAD) “nuke the AI” (Robotics Lab (118, 87, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:35.227] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “GRATE” (Aft Primary Hallway (108, 105, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:49.466] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “how” (Space (207, 140, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:53.523] SAY: albertblackwell/(Seen-Jasuda) (DEAD) “maxcap” (Kitchen (132, 123, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:03:56.689] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “where” (Space (206, 142, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:04:01.205] SAY: albertblackwell/(Seen-Jasuda) (DEAD) “i've hidden it” (Atmospherics (176, 119, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:04:15.580] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “try to be pai” (Engineering Foyer (165, 137, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:04:21.436] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “they can send signals” (Engineering Foyer (165, 137, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:04:25.553] SAY: albertblackwell/(Seen-Jasuda) (DEAD) “ohyeah” (Kitchen (128, 122, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:04:37.679] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “pkp 748” (The Wretched Hive (132, 126, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:04:39.514] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “do that” (The Wretched Hive (132, 126, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:04:50.540] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “get a singnaliger” (The Wretched Hive (132, 126, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:06:08.867] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “HEY” (Space (215, 151, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:06:25.232] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “try to be pai” (AI Chamber (215, 145, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:06:33.403] SAY: raphael2033/(Pumpkin) (DEAD) “and get signial shit” (AI Chamber (215, 145, 2))

And then after you were a posibrain

[2020-08-14 14:20:27.373] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “soo” (Robotics Lab (114, 85, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:20:33.396] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “make me a favour” (Robotics Lab (114, 85, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:20:41.155] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “get a remote singlaler” (Robotics Lab (114, 85, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:20:44.921] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “from toxinx” (Robotics Lab (114, 85, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:20:52.997] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “put the code 25” (Robotics Lab (114, 85, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:20:58.358] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “and use it” (Robotics Lab (113, 84, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:21:11.984] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “weee” (Robotics Lab (115, 81, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:21:31.134] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “it wont hurt any one here” (Robotics Lab (117, 81, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:21:48.852] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “ok” (Robotics Lab (117, 82, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:21:55.622] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “toxins” (Research Division (121, 95, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:22:03.447] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “get a remote” (Research Division (120, 91, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:22:11.492] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “put 25” (Research Division (120, 91, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:22:16.532] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “normal” (Research Division (120, 91, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:22:20.359] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “the default one” (Research Division (120, 91, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:22:34.985] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “HAHAH” (Research Division (119, 91, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:22:40.683] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “HAHAHAAH!!!” (Research Division (120, 89, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:22:51.802] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “it wa suposed to be in ai sat” (Toxins Mixing Chamber (123, 86, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:22:53.970] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “not here” (Research Division (120, 80, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:23:04.842] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “ai call shuttle” (Xenobiology Lab (120, 75, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:23:16.833] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “scie is fucking gonne” (Xenobiology Lab (132, 55, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:23:42.005] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “HAHA!!!” (Xenobiology Lab (132, 49, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:23:48.959] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “scie is fucking gonne” (Xenobiology Lab (132, 49, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:23:56.192] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “it was suposed to kill ai” (Xenobiology Lab (132, 49, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:24:09.262] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “YES” (Xenobiology Lab (131, 48, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:24:19.772] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “they said to me” (Xenobiology Lab (131, 48, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:24:24.409] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “but the bomb was here” (Xenobiology Lab (131, 48, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:24:26.398] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “al time” (Xenobiology Lab (131, 48, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:24:45.085] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “poor lizard” (Xenobiology Lab (131, 48, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:24:55.337] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “ai close shutters xenobio” (Xenobiology Lab (131, 48, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:25:21.402] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “i would bomb the ai” (Xenobiology Lab (131, 48, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:25:23.257] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “but” (Xenobiology Lab (131, 48, 2))
[2020-08-14 14:25:32.833] SAY: raphael2033/(WJ-932) “i am banned from borgs” (Xenobiology Lab (131, 48, 2))

You cannot attack players over events that occured in a previous life. This includes ghost respawns, and new rounds.

You cannot use information you gained in dead chat to aid you in the round.

No. Denied. Don’t use ghost knowledge to grief the AI.