Ban appeal from ro5490

Admin’s CKEY:
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
Which server did the ban happen on?
Ban Type:
Ban Length:
1 Week to 3 Months
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
Did practically nothing as head rev, then after a short while, hung themselves outside of security becasue “i know all revheads are dead and its not point to do so because i dont like to play rev if all my mates are dead” Then complied with sec after being arrested and asked to be killed via lethal injection. Do better. Feel free to appeal on the forums however.
Appeal Reason:
This Ban happened at circumstances with not enough or even false Infos
Additional Information:
I started the round as a Paramedic and got really fast flashed and turned into a rev. After a time i noticed that the sign of my R turned blue so i checked the chat which was bugging and looked I turned for some reason into a revhead, but got no flash. Then i saw my revhead turn clown into rev and noticed a few mins later that the revhead was wanted and the clown to.So i have gone to the hop and changed my job to robotic to make me my own flash. But seconds later after being in RnD in chat it said clown remembered because he got mindshielded so he know me and the ther revhead are revs and to this time we where the only revs. And at the same time my revhead died. For me it makes no sense to still play the round over being the only rev, after sec know there are revs and tryhard this shift if they even now my identity and i had no other rev member and trough a bug i even got revhead. thats why i wanted to kill myself and end this round. the admin now gave me a 3 months ban for revs and ALSO gave me a 1 week ban on all anatag role which is first to long ( the rev ban ) from my perspective and second all other antag role dont have anything to do with this situation. And the other thing is nobody got hurt or like ended bad when i killed myself because i had no other rev members so why did i even get a ban ? it makes no sense in my point of view and i know the admin is just doing his job but he just wrote

Admin PM from- [Ro5490] : Whats the reasoning behind this? and didnt gave me a warning or saying that this will result in a ban. I hope this ban gets reverted because i know when i do shit and i take the consequences but in this situation i see myself not doing the mistake here

Add admin’s ckey to the title and to the report please.
Also your ckey would be helpful.

3 Month Revs Ban
1 Week Antag Ban

On MRP you’re expected to play your antagonist roles or Ahelp for them to be removed, You did neither and decided to avoid playing as your antag role by attempting suicide outside the brig and then after security revived you, ASKING for them to lethal injection you.

All because, and I quote

Also, you becoming a head-rev isnt a bug, if you get promoted to a head you dont automatically gain a flash either.

Revhead Update/Promote Codeblock

	var/list/datum/mind/head_revolutionaries = head_revolutionaries()
	var/list/datum/mind/heads = SSjob.get_all_heads()
	var/list/sec = SSjob.get_all_sec()

	if(head_revolutionaries.len < max_headrevs && head_revolutionaries.len < round(heads.len - ((8 - sec.len) / 3)))
		var/list/datum/mind/non_heads = members - head_revolutionaries
		var/list/datum/mind/promotable = list()
		var/list/datum/mind/nonhuman_promotable = list()
		for(var/datum/mind/khrushchev in non_heads)
			if(khrushchev.current && !khrushchev.current.incapacitated() && !khrushchev.current.restrained() && khrushchev.current.client && khrushchev.current.stat != DEAD)
				if(ROLE_REV in khrushchev.current.client.prefs.be_special)
						promotable += khrushchev
						nonhuman_promotable += khrushchev
		if(!promotable.len && nonhuman_promotable.len) //if only nonhuman revolutionaries remain, promote one of them to the leadership.
			promotable = nonhuman_promotable
			var/datum/mind/new_leader = pick(promotable)
			var/datum/antagonist/rev/rev = new_leader.has_antag_datum(/datum/antagonist/rev)
			rev.promote()  //This right here promotes people to revhead, if the previous requirements are met.


As the only RevHead your job is to get a flash, and recruit people. Not run to security and try to get them to kill you once your suicide attempt fails.

If any other @GameAdmin 's want to weigh in on this it’d be appreciated.

I was lawyer who got deputized and we were really tryharding ngl

1 Like

It hadn’t clicked initially that their suicide was antag related, to be honest, hence why I said to cryo. If they had just asked, someone else could have gotten it. Instead the idea was to suicide?

Not enough or false info? What information there is false to you?

First suicide attempt: For some reason not logged, I’ll bring it up to the coders at some point, logs are pretty important to be honest for these, a paper trail so to speak. However I can confirm as an eyewitness you had an attempt which failed, due to it being too early.

saylogs from pre- hanging

[2020-12-26 02:15:35.898] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “yo hos” (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:15:38.385] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “dont sace me” (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:15:40.186] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “or det” (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:15:42.047] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “watch” (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:15:46.638] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “and enjoy the show” (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))

[2020-12-26 02:15:48.815] ATTACK: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) has Attempted to Hang YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) with the noose (NEWHP: 100) (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:15:48.817] ATTACK: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) has hanged YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) with the noose (NEWHP: 100) (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))

You were saved. And you were pissed.

And I mean pISSED

[2020-12-26 02:15:58.055] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “no” (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:16:00.111] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “STOP” (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:16:03.610] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “LET ME DIE” (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))

Breaking my wall of text off since I have no clue how long this’ll let me type lol

Part 2


[2020-12-26 02:16:08.471] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Preston Pearsall) ->YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt): Whats the reasoning behind this?
[2020-12-26 02:16:56.076] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt)->Ro5490/(Preston Pearsall): i know all revheads are dead and its not point to do so because i dont like to play rev if all my mates are dead


[2020-12-26 02:19:31.434] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “cap” (Brig (111, 166, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:19:33.752] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “give me” (Brig (111, 166, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:19:38.500] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “lethal injection” (Brig (111, 166, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:19:40.717] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “pleasee” (Brig (111, 166, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:19:52.696] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “please” (Brig (111, 166, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:19:56.008] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “my last wish” (Brig (111, 166, 2))
[2020-12-26 02:20:00.833] SAY: YoussriLMAO/(Youssri Pitt) “im a make a wish kiud” (Brig (112, 166, 2))

You ask for death a few more times. You know antag conduct, you know you should ahelp that if you don’t want it.

Now i know that this is against the rules and like I said i take the concequences of that if thats really a rulebreak, which it is, however nobody answered me why i got a 1Week Ban on all other antag roles? And I didnt know that turning into a revhead mid round is a think. Somebody mentioned it after the round. And to the tryhard thing, I meant that i didnt want to tryhard this round because im the only rev, sec knows there are revs, sec know who is a revhead because Clown got mindshielded, thats why i lost like all hope to that round. Im sorry that I broke the rule and didnt know that admin would help in such a situation. But i still think that the ban om Revhead is too long for only doing suicide.

You attempted to commited suicide and gave yourself to security, as a Head Revolutionary.
Why would you be trusted not to do similar in any of the other antag roles.

Unless any other admins have input on this in the next day or so, I’ll be closing and denying this appeal.

It’s been a day, this is