Ban appeal from MRP server by zeskorion

CKEY: 000xlynch

Admin’s CKEY: zeskorion

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: MRP

Ban Type: server ban (MRP)

Ban Length: forever

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-02-24

Round ID: 12851

Ban Reason: whilst on “FINAL WARNING”, buckshotted the fuck out of a guy for shoving him three times for trespassing into chem. I’m gonna be nice and make this only an MRP ban

Appeal Reason:
I would like to play on MRP again because it is my favourite server. I get along with most people and enjoy the gameplay here the most.

I want to take the initiative and apologize for my poor behaviour which I will 100% take responsibility for. I haven’t always played the best but there are days when I do very well and some days when I make more mistakes. All the smaller mistakes added up to a final warning and resulted in my ban.

I once again would like to ask for the opportunity to come back and be a part of the community again, especially with the virus outbreak around the world, I think it would be nice to play with you boys again.

Hope you can give me a chance to come back! Since the ban, I’ve been busy with work and other things, so it’s been a good break and I’m ready to try again. Hope you can consider it.

Additional Information:

While your appeal looks genuine, so have all of my past interactions with you where you’ve agreed to stop doing x or y. You’ve only been banned from MRP, not from the entire game - Yet despite this you never tried playing on LRP.

Zesko has been demoted since your ban, but I’m a bit hesitant to take your word on it after having done so many times before already. I’ll wait for more opinions on the matter.

I appreciate the post reply, I don’t actually enjoy LRP because that server doesn’t have many people playing in it and honestly, I came from a LRP background and have been playing it for years on other servers, so it’s not really the sort of experience I’m looking for you know?

I rather work and make money in real life than play LRP, if I’m playing I prefer the MRP community.

I’m not going to single-handedly shut your appeal down, but I’ve reviewed your notes and past situations and I don’t think this should be lifted before 30 days have passed at least.

The ban hasn’t even been 30 days since it’s implementation and you were on a final warning for similar behaviour, I’d wait longer before allowing you back onto the server to ensure that you’re finally ready to acknowledge and abide by the escalation rules.

Guys, I completely understand your stance on this, especially since it hasn’t even been thirty days.
Honestly speaking, I don’t have any problems with waiting longer, the thing is I have time off daily life responsibilities due to COVID-19 and figured it was a good time to spend it on SS13 again.

If this is not something that you can get behind, I completely understand, it just happens that the timing right now works best for me to get back into the game.

Going to go ahead and reject this for now given what input I did get.