Ban Appeal for HOS Big Al




Beestation Sage


1 day



Overescelated as HOS: Shot somebody with a lethal syringe for slipping them and tossing away there flash. Auth: Ravellon.

I will accept the 3 day SEC ban, but a server ban to me feels a little overkill for a mistake.

I meant to shoot with my energy gun to stun him, but I shot him accidentally with the syringe gun. Also I hope I don’t get a ban for, “Abandoning the match as HOS without Cryo” because it happened mid match.

It’s a one day server ban, sorry about the 3-day server ban, error with the banning thing. Trying to murder a guy is overkill in the first place, plus logs say you went as far as to do some weird syringe boogaloo stuff.

It’s only 24 hours, don’t worry.

A 1 day server ban with the job ban isn’t overkill to me, it still is really bad that you even had that syringe gun ready to go.

Why would you? It would be a pretty shitmin/powertripping thing to do if you get booted out of the match because of a server ban.