Ban appeal 2

Admin’s CKEY:
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
Ban Type:

Ban Length:
2 months
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):

Round ID:
Ban Reason:
As non-antag set off 3 grenades on emergency shuttle completely destroying it because they were being attacked by HOS and Cap. Mutiple notes of major self-antag in the past few months. Global server ban.
Appeal Reason:
Made 3 signal activated bombs for round end fuckery, set 2 on the shuttle and 1 on myself,i wanted to wait for roundend in the cockpit then captain starts shoving me,HoS starts shooting me with disablers then i shove him and he and captain start shooting lasers,i didn’t have a way to defend myself other than with the bomb i had on me, i was gonna die invalidly by these 2 cucks 4no so i set off my grenade,ik i should have disabled the other 2 but i was bolted in the shuttle cockpit so i couldn’t run away or anything or go anywhere else so i decided to take them with me to death. i did a bit of a bad but i don’t think this justifies a 2 month ban,not to mention i only have 1 major ban for shittery which i appealed successfully because it wasnt entirely valid.
Additional Information:

If captain and HOS start kicking your ass on LRP you’re 99/10 times going to be killed. Especially if found with bombs on your person. I don’t see how ending a fight he didnt start is bankable on lrp?

Regardless of the reason, detonating bombs and destroying the entire emergency shuttle as a non-antag is griefing. Otherwise shitters can make 3 grenades every round, shove the cap/HOS, then trigger them when attacked. Their notes have very similar situations, where they were attacked by one person and responded with bombing the station.

It’s not valid to detonate the entire shuttle in response to two players fighting you on either server. His options were fighting back with what he had available (not including measures that kill people who have nothing to do with him), or accepting death.

Imagine if escalation rules allowed killing everyone in response to being attacked by one person.

Making grenades. Can’t see what exact reagents were put in, but the explosion sizes will be seen later.

> [2020-03-21 00:56:55.940] GAME: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) inserted the bluespace beaker () into the unsecured large grenade (Chemistry (101, 105, 2))
> [2020-03-21 00:56:56.604] GAME: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) inserted the bluespace beaker () into the unsecured large grenade (Chemistry (101, 105, 2))
> [2020-03-21 01:01:47.546] GAME: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) inserted the bluespace beaker () into the unsecured large grenade (Chemistry (102, 100, 2))
> [2020-03-21 01:01:49.016] GAME: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) inserted the bluespace beaker () into the unsecured large grenade (Chemistry (102, 100, 2))
> [2020-03-21 01:02:18.585] GAME: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) inserted the bluespace beaker () into the unsecured large grenade (Chemistry (102, 100, 2))
> [2020-03-21 01:03:07.235] GAME: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) inserted the bluespace beaker () into the unsecured large grenade (Central Primary Hallway (99, 115, 2))

Not digging to see why, but they killed an assistant only a minute before the shuttle landed at departures without being hit first. The only thing they said was “bruh” and “I had him ■■■■■■.” Owen as an assistant seems to have seen this and tried attacking Enth for it. Less than a minute later the shuttle events happened.

> [2020-03-21 01:05:37.106] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) has attacked fucus/(Wusha-Meena) with electrical toolbox (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 43.1)  (Aft Primary Hallway (107, 80, 2))
> skipping a melee attack logs
> [2020-03-21 01:05:47.206] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) has attacked fucus/(Wusha-Meena) with electrical toolbox (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -18.9)  (Departure Lounge (108, 79, 2))

This is Enthethan as a non-antag engineer early authorizing the shuttle, which is using command identification they should not have.

> [2020-03-21 01:06:55.558] GAME: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) has authorized early shuttle launch in (90,60,2)

Enthenthan was attacked with a welder, then they tried to disable him. Somehow he got a disabler and returned fire. Then the cap shot a few lethal laser rounds before returning to disabler fire.

> [2020-03-21 01:07:50.343] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) has shaken BrawlerHorde/(Claire Wilcox) (NEWHP: 100)  (Emergency Shuttle (128, 136, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:07:55.209] ATTACK: BrawlerHorde/(Claire Wilcox) has attacked Enthethan/(Blue Postage) with emergency welding tool (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 84.2)  (Emergency Shuttle (128, 136, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:08:01.007] ATTACK: Nthlily/(Salem Duglas) has shot Enthethan/(Blue Postage) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 95.8)  (Emergency Shuttle (127, 135, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:08:09.067] ATTACK: BrawlerHorde/(Claire Wilcox) has shoved Enthethan/(Blue Postage) (NEWHP: 95.8)  (Emergency Shuttle (128, 136, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:08:10.406] ATTACK: Nthlily/(Salem Duglas) has shot Enthethan/(Blue Postage) with the laser (NEWHP: 81.8)  (Emergency Shuttle (127, 135, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:08:14.071] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) has fired at Nthlily/(Salem Duglas) with the disabler beam from Emergency Shuttle (NEWHP: 100)  (Emergency Shuttle (127, 137, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:08:14.239] ATTACK: Nthlily/(Salem Duglas) has shot Enthethan/(Blue Postage) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 67.8)  (Emergency Shuttle (127, 135, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:08:14.521] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Blue Postage) has fired at Nthlily/(Salem Duglas) with the disabler beam from Emergency Shuttle (NEWHP: 100)  (Emergency Shuttle (127, 137, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:08:14.639] ATTACK: Nthlily/(Salem Duglas) has shot Enthethan/(Blue Postage) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 67.8)  (Emergency Shuttle (127, 135, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:08:14.889] ATTACK: BrawlerHorde/(Claire Wilcox) has shoved Enthethan/(Blue Postage) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 67.8)  (Emergency Shuttle (128, 136, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:08:17.291] ATTACK: Nthlily/(Salem Duglas) has shot Enthethan/(Blue Postage) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 67.8)  (Emergency Shuttle (128, 135, 12))

All three grenades going off. Note that they each detonated at three different locations at the same second. Implies they were dropped and spread around in a straight line. I joined 30 seconds before the sever reset and delayed, but the destruction, combined with the explosion size in the logs shows that the entire left side of the shuttle in a line was destroyed. The grenades were not just in a bag and set off, they were laid out for max destruction.

[2020-03-21 01:08:20.449] GAME: A remote signaling device has pulsed a grenade, which was installed by enthethan.
[2020-03-21 01:08:20.453] GAME: A grenade detonated at Emergency Shuttle (126, 146, 12)
[2020-03-21 01:08:20.455] GAME: A remote signaling device has pulsed a grenade, which was installed by enthethan.
[2020-03-21 01:08:20.459] GAME: A grenade detonated at Emergency Shuttle (127, 152, 12)
[2020-03-21 01:08:20.459] GAME: A remote signaling device has pulsed a grenade, which was installed by enthethan.
[2020-03-21 01:08:20.467] GAME: Reagent explosion reaction occurred at Emergency Shuttle (127, 136, 12). Last Fingerprint: N/A.

Forgot to include explosion size logs

> [2020-03-21 01:08:20.486] GAME: Explosion with size (3, 7, 14, 0) in (Emergency Shuttle (126, 146, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:08:20.588] GAME: Explosion with size (3, 7, 14, 0) in (Emergency Shuttle (127, 152, 12))
> [2020-03-21 01:08:20.939] GAME: Explosion with size (3, 7, 14, 0) in (Emergency Shuttle (127, 136, 12))

Not digging to see why, but they killed an assistant only a minute before the shuttle landed at departures without being hit first. The only thing they said was “bruh” and “I had him ■■■■■■.” Owen as an assistant seems to have seen this and tried attacking Enth for it. Less than a minute later the shuttle events happened.

Ash■■■■■■, not an assistant, i had the ash■■■■■■ kill then owen stole it from me with flash megacringe.

All three grenades going off. Note that they each detonated at three different locations at the same second. Implies they were dropped and spread around in a straight line. I joined 30 seconds before the sever reset and delayed, but the destruction, combined with the explosion size in the logs shows that the entire left side of the shuttle in a line was destroyed. The grenades were not just in a bag and set off, they were laid out for max destruction.

it’s as if you haven’t read my ban appeal reason :thinking: radio activated nades for round end fuckery.

This is Enthethan as a non-antag engineer early authorizing the shuttle, which is using command identification they should not have.

Back to MRP ■■■■■■, AA is permitted here.

Enthenthan was attacked with a welder, then they tried to disable him. Somehow he got a disabler and returned fire. Then the cap shot a few lethal laser rounds before returning to disabler fire.

I shoved the HoS and picked up the egun after he started shooting me,it was 4-6 shots from empty so i couldn’t defend myself nonlethally with it for shit

This is correct. I searched the manifest for their ckey and not the mob name. That kill was valid and fine then.

Round end fuckery should happen after the end of the round. Setting up the nades spread out before hand, and setting them off does not help me believe it wasn’t intentional.

AA is permitted by server rules, yes. Using it to launch the shuttle early against commands auth is a grey area and could be seen as mutiny. Regardless it certainly gives them gounds to attack you more than “i wanted to wait for roundend in the cockpit” which is what you said in your ban appeal.

Why add this tho? You are appealing to be unbanned, don’t be shitty about it.

Again, bombing the entire shuttle ending rounds, preventing greentext, all because you got shot for breaking multiple in-game laws. The justification doesn’t line up. I’m not inclined to lessen or lift it. Looking for other admins’ input.

For reference, a couple of relevant notes. There are others for other rules broken.

lagomorphica on 2020-02-28 17:02:12 (12958) [note] Meth maxcapped cargo over getting disabled on LRP. While this was fine due to the other person wearing full syndie gear, what was not fine was killing two other people with the blast.

The following note was reduced to a week.

rodboward on 2020-02-11 16:08:07 (12414) [note] Banned from the server permanently - As non-antag, killed a person with cyanide, shot a few others, blew up then left. Explain on forums.

AA is permitted by server rules, yes. Using it to launch the shuttle early against commands auth is a grey area and could be seen as mutiny. Regardless it certainly gives them gounds to attack you more than “i wanted to wait for roundend in the cockpit” which is what you said in your ban appeal.

i was the first card to authorize,then 2 other command guys authorized with me. there were no grounds for a fight.

Again, bombing the entire shuttle ending rounds, preventing greentext, all because you got shot for breaking multiple in-game laws. The justification doesn’t line up.

i didn’t break any ingame laws i didn’t steal all access from anyone it was my card. i set the bombs for round end and was forced to detonate because i was being killed invalidly, i already said that i recognize it was a mistake to place all 3 bombs and it wasn’t my intention to destroy it before roundend.

No further input so leaving the ban in place. Going to decrease to a month due to the self-defense bit. Regardless setting up the bombs before hand is bad, and also shows you knowingly knew what would happen. The previous similar note also keeps me from decreasing it any lower.