**Admin’s CKEY:**piterskiy
**Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:**Both
**Ban Type:**Permanent
**Ban Length:**Permanent
**Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):**10/01/2019
**Round ID:**7525
**Ban Reason:**blew up hos office at nukie round, disconnected immediately after that. appeal on the forums if you want to continue playing here
**Appeal Reason:**I was still quite new to SS13 and wanted to explore the station a little. Door to sec was hacked from maint so I went in and wanted to enter HoS office.
I actually thought I could blow a hole into HoS office window by exploding welder fuel tank next to it. OOPS. I panicked and disconnected.
Anyway I shouldn’t have even tried such a dumb thing nor be exploring griefingly.
This happened five months ago and I’ve since learned a lot and respect rules.
Additional Information:
Was new and dumb as a brick.
Now just dumb but respectful to rules (and others like always)