BallastMonsterGnarGnar 1 Day Ban by tyranicranger4

CKEY: BallastMonsterGnarGnar

Admin’s CKEY: tyranicranger4

both servers

Ban Type: Server

Ban Length: 1 Day

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 6/20/2021

Round ID: 30659

Ban Reason: LRP, Clown // Became the ‘captain’ and perma’d the CMO for trying to put them in a straight jacket claiming it was mutiny. Had them executed later in the round over suspicions of them tampering with the AI (they hadn’t) without confirming it.

Appeal Reason: Became the craptin(captain) for a gag, I announce I am becoming the craptin, and about 30 seconds after this happens I get morphined by the CMO, and get put into a straight jacket after dragging me into medbay, I ask the AI in a shell to get the jacket off, after doing so the CMO tryed to baton me within this time frame of me going to bridge to leaving medbay(It’s either near bridge or at medbay and I cannot seem to remember, probably after medbay due to me being able to baton them(took a mutadone pill)I decided to perma them and said after they break out they can be my 4th in cromand(tried to make a shit joke just couldn’t think of one)About a few minutes after this I get some heads since all the heads are gone, 3rd in Cromand, Head of Shitcurity(Was a traitor which I found at roundend(AI knew but thought we were bb)he showed no signs of this prior) and was pretty good at it, and Research Firector. I told the research Firector to upgrade EVERYTHING, to help my lube production at the bar. And the chemist, who I promised I would help after my big lube production. When Head of shitcurity comes to sec and I come with him, ai starts opening doors to the armory and he gets a shotgun and a lasergun. This is when I was first set off, So I cuff him again and strap him to a chair in medbay while I went to get something? (That’s when I got the mutadone I think.) Next, I come back in less than a minute and he’s gone. I ask ai to locate him and he’s at the chapel I come to arrest him again. And AI Interferes, after a big goofy chase I brig him to the armory with Head of Shitcurity and decide maybe we should execute him. And Head of shitcurity immediately offers to. I do take responsibility for this one, as soon as this happens ai shell drags around a plasma tank(Apparent according to RF he was setting it on fire(top of the bridge was hot so I assume so?)Ai had locked the rd office and shut the power down. So we decide to explode AI shell due to it dragging plasma. At this point I assumed this ai is subverted or rogue(Which I assume is fair(and I stated in ahelp which the ai was dragging around a plasma can) Head of shitcurity says he will go to destroy AI after I say we should, I say alright and just go to do whatever I did(Drink space lube?)and shuttle gets called saying “fuck this” I red alert with RF and shuttle comes faster.

Additional Information: AI at end round says they hated the gaf so much they relied on the CMO to help them who they said “is unrobust” AI just didn’t want the lawset which I understand but went as far to open armory. For the CMO and the perma, I dunno though if this does get appealed I request the note get deleted and the ban extended to 5 days for my incompetence on this one.

This is what the ban was for.
Do you have anything new to provide that would justify the execution?

don’t know how to get logs for bee but he told the crew to feel free to lynch the clown, was obviously trying to kill me from the end round death chat, AI said they put all their hope on CMO for them to get me out of craptin position. When AI keeps getting them out of situations it’s really I get killed or it’s them keep getting out and ai keeps coming and coming or I get mega bolted in a place. I don’t know what to do if that keeps happening with the AI unless you want me to keep them under watch 24/7.

Clown gets some capability to push the line a bit for the sake of pranks.
Clown does not get a free pass to self-antag outright.

You, as a non-antag clown, took it upon yourself to attack the actual leading member of command on the station (CMO, which was by authority the acting captain). You put them in perma and eventually executed them for a crime you yourself had committed - Mutiny.

This ban just ended and the first thing you do is self-antag against command staff again? My initial reaction to this was “Sounds like a clown taking a prank too far” but then I got to your history and frankly:

You’re lucky this was only a day ban if anything.

Your bans are going to start getting longer if your behavior doesn’t change. The only reason this ban was so short is because the banning admin missed the one that had just ended. Your note record is rather excessive considering your playtime as well.

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Denying this.

This ban was much more lenient than it had any right to be (caused by an oversight on my part).
I don’t have much more to add, Ruko has summed it up quite nicely in the above post.