AyoSnail Validhunting and Powergaming as Curator

In-game report:

CKEY: DatBoiTim

Your Discord: DatBoiTim#1337

Offender’s CKEY: AyoSnail

Offender’s In-Game Name: Luigi Malone

Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 1/2/2022

Round Number: 35133

Rules Broken: Rule 2(Powergaming+Validhunting), Rule 14(Extensive knowledge beyond job), Rule 3(Not doing job and instead validhunting)

Incident Description: There are abductors on station in bridge. Luigi Malone(Curator) somehow gains access, and immediately rushes them with a toolbox. This doesn’t pan out, as they get stunned.

After waking up and breaking free, they take a flash and cuffs from bridge, and run to medbay. From there they treat themselves. Afterwards, they go to the Captains Quarters, apparently with an Acting Captains ID, and take shit out of the captains locker(including flash protective glasses).

Later on, they go to medbay again(where abductors are active, and rush to surgery. They open the door(once again with their all access ID they keep in their backpack), and attempt to fight the abductors again.

Additional Information:

Highpop round, ergo, jack of all trades to compensate for lowpop needn’t apply.

Crossed's Expansion on Rule 14

Characters are not authorized to have knowledge of all topics covered on the wiki. Our rules explicitly state that they should only have knowledge of events that happen from their living character’s point of view, and information pertaining to their specific job (which would include SOP). To directly quote R14: Metagaming and Meta-communications:

Players are not allowed to use information gained in any way other than from their living character’s point of view during an ongoing round, except for information pertaining to their specific job found on the wiki.

As a basic example, a bartender shouldn’t have extensive knowledge on electrical engineering or what specific antag items are and what they do, unless there was an in-round event that provided that knowledge.

Chat Logs Related(From “Save Chat Log”)

Bridge Access/Validhunting

Navy Nelson screams.

(F) [Common] Luigi Malone says, “ABUDUCTOR IN BRIDGE.”

(F) Luigi Malone says, “ABUDUCTOR IN BRIDGE.”

Mary Jones puts the alien pistol into the backpack.

(F) [Common] Luigi Malone says, “LET ME IN.”

(F) Luigi Malone says, “LET ME IN.”

Mary Jones has stunned Navy Nelson with the advanced baton!

Mary Jones grabs Navy Nelson passively!

(F) Mothership Beta Scientist: NICE.

Mary Jones has induced sleep in Navy Nelson with the advanced baton!

(F) Luigi Malone says, “I’LL TOOLBOX EM.”

Navy Nelson snores.

Mary Jones begins restraining Navy Nelson with the advanced baton!

(F) Mothership Beta Agent: Got em.

Luigi Malone hits the chair with the mechanical toolbox!

Mary Jones has stunned Luigi Malone with the advanced baton!

(F) [Security] Central Station Control states, “Security emegency, Bridge.”

(F) Central Station Control states, “Security emegency, Bridge.”

Mary Jones has induced sleep in Luigi Malone with the advanced baton!

Mary Jones begins restraining Luigi Malone with the advanced baton!

Trying to Steal Weapon from Acting Captain, ID Shenanigans

Luigi Malone tries to remove Navy Nelson’s sabre sheath.

(F) Dillion Finlay asks, “In here?”

(F) Borat Todyr says, “I need new eyes.”

(F) Navy Nelson gibbers, “FUCK OFF!-!”

(F) Adeline Burris says, “Why is it trying to go in here.”

(F) Connor Eliot says, “Wait.”

(F) Mothership Beta Scientist: Sent.

(F) [Medical] Mia Seelig meows, “Yeah probably.”

(F) Mia Seelig meows, “Yeah probably.”

(F) Dillion Finlay says, “It follows.”

(F) Connor Eliot asks, “Do you have a hypospray?”

(F) Dillion Finlay says, “Wanted people.”

(F) Luigi Malone says, “BUT MADAM.”

(F) Adeline Burris says, “Bingo.”

(F) IPCVeld states, “If you wear a blindfold.”

(F) Carl Talos says, “OH COME ON.”

(F) Mia Seelig meows, “Yes.”

(F) Luigi Malone says, “YOU ARENT CAPTAIN.”

(F) IPCVeld states, “Your eyes will heal.”

(F) Dillion Finlay says, “Come on.”

(F) Connor Eliot exclaims, “Oooh!”

(F) Imhotep Richblood PDA Message → Navy Nelson (Acting Captain): “hey”

(F) DEAD: Wally Hancock says, “sec got real dramatic there at the end”

(F) Dillion Finlay says, “Hes in here.”

(F) Connor Eliot says, “Excellent.”

(F) Navy Nelson gibbers, “Get.”

(F) [Medical] Neetra-Rei hisses, “Look, I’m jussst sssaying. If one of you violatesss the hippocratic, I won’t tell.”

(F) Neetra-Rei hisses, “Look, I’m jussst sssaying. If one of you violatesss the hippocratic, I won’t tell.”

(F) Luigi Malone says, “YOU WERE ABDUCTED BY ALIENS.”

(F) Navy Nelson gibbers, “Away.”

(F) Navy Nelson gibbers, “FROM ME!!!-!!-!-!”

Navy Nelson puts the officer’s sabre into the sabre sheath.

(F) Connor Eliot says, “I have a mix of sulfonal and cryptobiolin.”

(F) Luigi Malone says, “YOU AREN’T CAPTAIN.”

(F) Tomas Hellsing exclaims, “Hit that wall!”

(F) [Security] Central Station Control states, “Solomon Thornwell - ‘405 - Enemy of the Corporation’.”

(F) Central Station Control states, “Solomon Thornwell - ‘405 - Enemy of the Corporation’.”

(F) Solomon Thornwell PDA Message → Central Station Control (AI): “How many are out there naked now ?”

(F) Mia Seelig meows, “Bet.”

(F) Dillion Finlay says, “Open the doors.”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Hello.”

(F) Tomas Hellsing exclaims, “Go!”

(F) [Security] Central Station Control states, “Cleared to engage with lethal force.”

(F) Central Station Control states, “Cleared to engage with lethal force.”

(F) Mothership Beta Scientist: Sendin, target is to the left.

(F) Solomon Thornwell PDA Message → Central Station Control (AI): “Pictures please ?”

(F) Tomas Hellsing exclaims, “Yea!”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Whoah.”


(F) Imhotep Richblood PDA Message → Navy Nelson (Acting Captain): “come to cargo i need you to swipe your id on something”

(F) Connor Eliot says, “Excellent.”

(F) Mute (as Marcus Alubam) says, “Vision is still fucked by I can still sorta see.”

Luigi Malone puts Navy Nelson’s ID Card (Acting Captain) into the mechanical toolbox.

(F) Mia Seelig meows, “Merc his ass.”

(F) Connor Eliot says, “I’ll get him, don’t worry.”

(F) [AI Private] Navy Nelson gibbers, “PARASTENG WAS BEST!-!”

(F) Navy Nelson gibbers, “PARASTENG WAS BEST!-!”

(F) [Common] Imhotep Richblood says, “Is hop line open.”

(F) Imhotep Richblood says, “Is hop line open.”

(F) Mothership Beta Scientist: Er right.

(F) Porter Keopple says, “Uh why are all the doors bolted.”

(F) Jebediah Sherman asks, “How did you do that?”

(F) Marcos Christman has died at Medbay Central .

(F) DEAD: H.A.R.-01D says, “Wait”

(F) Dillion Finlay asks, “You hear it?”

(F) Dillion Finlay says, “I do.”

(F) Adeline Burris says, “I can hear it.”

(F) Morgan Strange yells, “BAD CHEMS!!!”

(F) The clockwork marauder says, “I am efficient at wall demolition.”

(F) Mothership Beta Scientist: Go right.

(F) Tomas Hellsing says, “Hit the wall.”

(F) [Common] Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Hop wont do their job sos no.”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Hop wont do their job sos no.”

(F) Adeline Burris says, “We need back up.”

(F) Dillion Finlay says, “Put the beepsky.”

(F) Robotic Talk, Central Station Control states, “AI shell required.”

(F) Dillion Finlay says, “On the door.”

Luigi Malone puts PDA-Navy Nelson (Acting Captain) into the explorer satchel.

(F) DEAD: H.A.R.-01D asks, “Why does Luigi malone have their ID?”

(F) Mia Seelig meows, “Because funny acid man like sto break in.”

(F) [Common] Imhotep Richblood says, “Real shit.”

(F) Imhotep Richblood says, “Real shit.”

(F) Quentin Hieronymous has died at Medbay Central .

(F) DEAD: H.A.R.-01D says, “TF”

(F) Connor Eliot says, “Let’s see if he shows up again.”

(F) Beatrix Jaborosa buzzes, “I kinda want out.”

Luigi Malone puts the handcuffs into the explorer satchel.

Self Treating in Medbay

(F) DEAD: Connor Ronnoc says, “Poor sod”

(F) Beatrix Jaborosa buzzes, “GET HIM OVER HERE.”

Luigi Malone attempts to apply the brute patch.

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Good shit.”

(F) [Common] Central Station Control states, “Solomon Thornwell has been detained by officer beepsky.”

(F) Central Station Control states, “Solomon Thornwell has been detained by officer beepsky.”

(F) Morgan Strange yells, “SHE ATTACTED!!!”

(F) Borat Todyr asks, “Why are you killing her?”

IPCVeld forces Raegan Rathen (as Quentin Hieronymous) to swallow Mannitol (10u) pill.

(F) [Security] Officer Beepsky states, “Arresting level 5 scumbag Solomon Thornwell in Shared Engineering Storage.”

(F) Beatrix Jaborosa buzzes, “LET ME IN.”

(F) Carl Talos slurs, “HE’Y.”

(F) Morgan Strange yells, “ME!!!”

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “Well i cant understand you.”

(F) Mute exclaims, “I need my pda!”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Top shelf shit.”

Luigi Malone screams.

(F) [Common] Imhotep Richblood says, “Where.”

(F) Imhotep Richblood says, “Where.”

(F) DEAD: Zeke Harrold says, “they werent even moving like what”

(F) Carl Talos slurs, “MY chUIT GuTTT ASHED.”

(F) Dillion Finlay says, “Cuffs.”

(F) Mia Seelig meows, “Kinda deserve death.”

(F) [Security] Officer Beepsky states, “Detaining level 5 scumbag Solomon Thornwell in Shared Engineering Storage.”

(F) DEAD: Connor Ronnoc says, “And he is still trying to res you”

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “So thats.”

(F) Carl Talos says, “BY THE ARTIFACT.”

(F) [Common] Central Station Control states, “Engineering.”

(F) Central Station Control states, “Engineering.”

(F) Morgan Strange yells, “I AM BRING HER TO SE!!!”

(F) Dillion Finlay says, “Go get cables.”

Mia Seelig shrugs.

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “Sad.”

(F) [Security] Officer Beepsky states, “Detaining level 5 scumbag Solomon Thornwell in Shared Engineering Storage.”

(F) Morgan Strange yells, “SEC!!!”

Raegan Rathen (as Quentin Hieronymous) gasps.

(F) Arnold Schpitz (as Unknown) says, “Oh.”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “THE shit.”

(F) Connor Eliot says, “Damn.”

(F) Carl Talos slurs, “And i’'m mad.”

(F) Arnold Schpitz (as Unknown) says, “Okay.”

(F) Jebediah Adelstein says, “Shit.”

(F) Borat Todyr asks, “And you gotta murder her?”

Navy Nelson points at Luigi Malone.

(F) Connor Eliot says, “Lucky.”

(F) [Security] Officer Beepsky states, “Detaining level 5 scumbag Solomon Thornwell in Shared Engineering Storage.”

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “Also.”

Navy Nelson drools.

(F) DEAD: Connor Ronnoc says, “What a chad”

(F) Borat Todyr says, “Sure.”

Luigi Malone attempts to swallow the bicaridine pill (15u).

(F) [Common] Alex Tannhauser says, “Good on him.”

(F) Alex Tannhauser says, “Good on him.”

(F) Tomas Hellsing asks, “Are you a cultist?”

Admitting Taking Flash+Cuffs

(F) Mia Seelig meows, “Violet is in medbay im pretending to ignore them.”

(F) Navy Nelson gibbers, “Must.”

(F) Mute says, “NOOOOO.”

(F) Adeline Burris says, “Lets just space the fucker.”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Maybe.”

(F) Luigi Malone says, “I took the flash and the cuffs.”

(F) Connor Eliot says, “It’s got… o much.”

(F) Mute (as Navy Nelson) says, “Submit.”

(F) [Security] Officer Beepsky states, “Detaining level 5 scumbag Solomon Thornwell in Shared Engineering Storage.”

(F) Luigi Malone says, “Calm down.”

----- Skip a Bit ----
PM to- Admins : Luigi Malone is currently powergaming and validhunting the abductors.##Chased after one with a toolbox in bridge with acting captains ID, in addition to stealing some other equipment.

No active admins are online, your adminhelp was sent through TGS to admins who are available. This may use IRC or Discord.

(F) Dillion Finlay says, “Gotty.”

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “Up and down for a cultists.”

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “I AHTE.”

(F) IPCVeld asks, “Can someone do cpr on this guy?”

(F) Luigi Malone says, “Oh.”

(F) Mute (as Navy Nelson) says, “Nevermind.”

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “ARTIFACTS.”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Damn son.”

(F) Connor Eliot says, “I need to stock up, excuse me.”

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “SO MUCH.”

(F) IPCVeld states, “I can’t.”

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “Left right for notmal.”

Mia Seelig attempts to apply the brute patch.

(F) [Security] Officer Beepsky states, “Detaining level 5 scumbag Solomon Thornwell in Engineering Foyer.”

(F) Luigi Malone says, “I thought you were yelling at me over the flash.”

Looting Captain's Locker

Luigi Malone unlocks captain’s locker.

A red light flashes on the the motion-sensitive command camera!


(F) IPCVeld states, “Wow, medics this round are just ignoring everyone.”

(F) Mr. Epsilon: I NEED HER IDENTITY!!!

(F) Connor Eliot says, “He’s confused.”

(F) Raegan Rathen (as Quentin Hieronymous) hisses, “I HEREBY GRANT YOU THE CARGOTECH OF THE SSSHIFT REWARD.”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Run run run.”

(F) Imhotep Richblood says, “Woah free stuff.”

(F) [Security] Mute says, “Morgan Strange cremated someone.”

(F) Mute (as Navy Nelson) says, “Morgan Strange cremated someone.”

Luigi Malone points at the giga gar glasses.

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “Its fineee.”

(F) Adeline Burris says, “Its fake.”

(F) Nick B. Johnson says, “Get some bird bitch.”

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “Im justfucked.”

(F) Raegan Rathen (as Quentin Hieronymous) hisses, “SSSOLOMON ISSS ABDUCTOR.”


(F) [Security] Mute says, “Also, I am the captain.”

(F) Mute (as Navy Nelson) says, “Also, I am the captain.”

(F) Porter Keopple says, “To my defense.”

(F) Mr. Epsilon: SO SURE!!!

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Thats gotta be a 38.”

(F) Mothership Beta Scientist: Grab it.

(F) DEAD: Solomon Thornwell says, “Yeah i got cucked by that AI core who knows who put there”

(F) Violet Nitrieva blorbles, “Why.”

(F) DEAD: Indigo Jackson says, “Sleepy time for violet”

(F) Porter Keopple says, “I have no idea what i’m doin.”

(F) Carl Talos says, “Screw this mission.”

(F) Mothership Beta Scientist: Ill bring you up.

(F) [Common] Connor Eliot exclaims, “Don’t go after him, he’ll get knocked out soon!”

(F) Connor Eliot exclaims, “Don’t go after him, he’ll get knocked out soon!”

(F) DEAD: Connor Ronnoc says, “F”

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “Your.”

(F) Mr. Epsilon: GET TO CENTRAL HALL!!!

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “Suit.”

(F) IPCVeld states, “Fair.”

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “Behold.”

(F) Carl Talos says, “We are getting back to station.”

(F) Imhotep Richblood says, “I guess this works.”

(F) Carl Talos says, “Ashed.”

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “Got removed too.”

(F) Alex Tannhauser says, “Nice.”

(F) Tomas Hellsing exclaims, “My warmachine!”

(F) Porter Keopple says, “Well i have an idea.”


(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “From the artifact right.”

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “Yeah.”

(F) The clockwork marauder says, “Hello.”

(F) [Security] Cell 2 beeps, “Timer has expired. Releasing prisoner.”

(F) Carl Talos says, “Yup.”

(F) DEAD: Indigo Jackson says, “15u of sulfonal”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Yoink.”

(F) Mr. Kappa: 8-8!-!

(F) Porter Keopple says, “But like from an alternative reality.”

(F) [Security] Central Station Control states, “Solomon Thornwell has been killed in self defense by several Engineering Personnel.”

(F) Central Station Control states, “Solomon Thornwell has been killed in self defense by several Engineering Personnel.”

(F) Carl Talos says, “I HATE THESE ARTIFACTS.”

(F) DEAD: Connor Ronnoc says, “oof”

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “SAME.”

(F) Connor Eliot says, “Think the salbutamol kicked in.”

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “Unyyrb indeed.”

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “HOLY FUCK.”

(F) Carl Talos says, “IF I COULD KILL THEM I WOUL.”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Brutality brutality.”

(F) IPCVeld states, “Gotcha.”

(F) Connor Eliot says, “Yup.”

(F) Mia Seelig asks, “Ling?”

(F) Arkan Raznatovic says, “CREmATION.”

Luigi Malone throws the sensible suitskirt.

(F) Jebediah Adelstein says, “Never touching the shits ever again.”

(F) Isabelle McConaughey says, “Robotics clothes is back online.”

(F) Borat Todyr asks, “He’s a ling?”

Luigi Malone throws the jamjar glasses.

(F) Connor Eliot says, “No fucking idea.”

(F) IPCVeld states, “You should be good now.”

Luigi Malone throws the straight razor.

(F) Borat Todyr says, “Damn.”

(F) [Command] Mia Seelig meows, “Is violet a ling.”

(F) Mia Seelig meows, “Is violet a ling.”

(F) [Science] Imhotep Richblood says, “Found a fresh new pair of clothes.”

(F) Imhotep Richblood (as Solomon Thornwell) says, “Found a fresh new pair of clothes.”

(F) Connor Eliot says, “He had a gun.”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “I heard s o.”

(F) Carl Talos says, “THE THING IS.”

(F) Mothership Beta Agent: Something aint right with this guy.

(F) IPCVeld asks, “Were you always a lizard?”

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “That slime aint mine.”

(F) [Command] Central Station Control states, “Positive.”

(F) Central Station Control states, “Positive.”

(F) Neetra-Rei hisses, “SSSomeone sssaid ssso earlier.”

(F) Mute (as Marcus Alubam) says, “Yo.”


(F) Borat Todyr says, “Allow me.”

(F) Mia Seelig meows, “Ok.”

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “Lets go to chapel.”

Luigi Malone locks captain’s locker.

Examine Post Captain Looting+Validhunting Abductors Again

(F) Zeke Harrold says, “9 dead.”

(F) Mothership Beta Scientist: Ling is in surgery.

Luigi Malone throws the mechanical toolbox.

(F) Porter Keopple says, “Stable mutagen i mean.”

(F) Cristopher Bullard says, “Reaallly hot.”

(F) Mr. Epsilon: YES!!!

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Luigi you almost hit me.”

(F) Alex Tannhauser says, “Yeah, I dunno what happened there.”

(F) Zeke Harrold says, “And thats just listed suit sensors.”

Priority Announcement

Delta emergency shuttle has docked with the station. You have 3 minutes to board the Emergency Shuttle.

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “If i had more time i could do something great.”

(F) Zeke Harrold says, “I mean.”

--------- This is Luigi Malone, a Human ! He is wearing a captain’s jumpskirt. He is wearing a magnificent crown on his head. He is wearing a captain’s carapace. He has an explorer satchel on his back. He is holding a mechanical toolbox in his right hand. He has a toolbelt about his waist. He is wearing some blood-stained sandals on his feet. He is wearing a captain’s cloak around his neck. He has a giga gar glasses covering his eyes. He has a curator radio headset on his ears. He is wearing PDA-Luigi Malone (Curator). Traits: Light Drinker, Multilingual ---------

(F) Mr. Epsilon: I’M SORRY!!!

(F) Alex Tannhauser says, “Found him in engi, probably got abducted.”

(F) Professor Pongo Esquire says, “Motha fucka.”

(F) Zeke Harrold says, “We can escape with the pod.”

(F) The clockwork marauder says, “Indeed.”

(F) Tomas Hellsing blorbles, “But shuttle came early.”

(F) Cristopher Bullard says, “Yes.”

Mary Jones begins restraining Borat Todyr with the advanced baton!

(F) Mr. Epsilon: I’M SORRY!!!

Mary Jones has stunned Luigi Malone with the advanced baton!

Mary Jones has induced sleep in Luigi Malone with the advanced baton!

Mary Jones begins restraining Luigi Malone with the advanced baton!

They have other reports open against them as well:

Other Open Reports

AyoSnail Player Report

Unknown CKEY Player Report #34937

Player Report: AyoSnail-SwindlerZ


Bumping this. Hopefully an easier report with log contributions. I can also send the saved files if needed.


As many reports are open, I will be handling everything in a single thread. All information will be collated.


I presume you mean all reports relating to this person?

Thank you :+1:

Bumping as nearly a month old report


This is very clear and cut case of validhunting and powergaming. Considering this player has accumulated bans and reports for similar incidents in relatively short time, ban will be applied.