Autisme admin report

Yes, you may have had it planned in your mind (Which you did not even inform us of until after my demotion) but at the point in which you went to get the AI there was nothing remotely secure about the bar.


You didnt give me any, you bassicly avoided the entire topic when I PM’ed you about it.

Is it not up to you to ask me? If your worries was about the moth spilling their beer on the AI i could have made you worry free rather easily.

Why would this matter? IC everyday is like this

Everyday we get 2 hour shifts on skeleton crew where literally NOTHING happens. So you try something new and fun for once.

Why is one thing allowed but when i refuse to get my AI ass dragged into a birthday party in the theater i get told “Fuck you no follow your laws”

Did you think i would throw the AI up on the counter for everyone to pet? Or are you honestly going to say that if i told you “The AI will be fully secured” you would just be like “Oh well in that case LETS GO AI WOOO”

I PM you, if you disagree with what I say you can in the PM call it into question or provide details. thats the whole point that you can respond to them.

I dont know what this case was, or what the context was when this discision was made and why. I dont manualy approve every PM before its made so I cant do much with this, you also didnt mention this in the PM


Atleast its SOMETHING, if you have a idea and same one calls out its flaws you should tell them that you have solutions for those not fire him over it.

I would just like to remind everyone that staff reports are considered serious topics and peanut posting is not allowed on them.


If you can provide propper reasoning then its justified, if there is a bomb at the sat obvs you can move them. but if you move highly secure and all powerfull AI for NO REASON you better atleast provide a plan

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In the end, come on man. Every fucking RP scenario i have been trying that isn’t the same thing every. single. time. gets fucking cockblocked to the max. Whether it is because someone wants to valid or because it just so happened to involve two admins.

Are people really going to fucking spasm out over wanting to fucking do a little bit of roleplay with the AI in the bar when there is barely 20 people on?

There was NOTHING going on for a good while before i even made this choice and go through with it. People literally have to cockblock just for the hell of it.

Did you ever point out to the other Admin in a bwoink that he can’t bolt the AI sat on green alert at least? Surely right?

You forcing the AI to do something they dont want to do for no reason, then also “cockblocking” the round of the CE by demoting them. you trying to make a RP scenerio with the crew when it was ONLY YOU that wanted it to happen obvs would not end up going well.


If you can justify it. also helps if the AI actuely agrees to it

What happened to you is unfortunate but again does it help your report against autism ?
He himself didn’t do anything wrong in saying no to your gimmick, especialy if the guy directly impacted by your gimmick didn’t want to participate.

You forcing the AI to do something they dont want to do for no reason, then also “cockblocking” the round of the CE by demoting them. you trying to make a RP scenerio with the crew when it was ONLY YOU that wanted it to happen obvs would not end up going well.

So the people that play AI have free will now when they are on any law set? You do know he can play literally any other role and just do whatever he wants with it. When you play a role that have laws that MAKE YOU OBEY THEM AND FOLLOW THEM STRICTLY AS IS STATED IN THE RULES then you have to take that in account. A Captain IC thinks about his crew. Not how the AI feels about certain things.

The CE had no reason to object as it did not involve him at all. There were no threats, and green alert SOP is directly there for that so security or AI/borgs cant start preparing and go full valid for “whenever something does happen”

Anyone can decide for themselves whether it is stupid, fun, dumb or lame. The issue is that the AI broke direct rules and YOU told me to stop bothering the AI when it was well within the guidelines and ignored the fact they broke rules. I am not going to speculate as Captain that “We might have baddies aboard, better keep everything secure!” like at that point i might as well start bolting every high risk area and carry full SWAT gear.

Ok i might be like missing something here. But if you play a IMPORTANT role that clearly says “FOLLOW YOUR LAWS” does that mean you can just ignore them when you don’t feel like following them?

A admin directly interfered with the round to support another Admin who… messaged him privately perhaps? that he didn’t wanna do it. I believe Autisme had no reason to do so at all

Let me put it very blunt so people understand my POV: You are humankinds BITCH on Asimov, if i want as a human captain for you to start serving drinks in the bar and your fat AI core ass to sit in the back on lowpop and green alert then you don’t start pinging your admin buddy to come back you up and tell the captain off because you aint in the mood

They are… still a player…? just because there RP requires them to follow orders doesnt mean you can be needlesly rude to them. Again your own fun will not come at the expensive of everyone else

It does? hes part of command too. the functioning of the station falls onto him aswel.

There is a very obviuse difference, by your logic the warden is justified to lay out the armory in the hallway when its green alert because “I dont see a threat.”

AI did unbolt and turn off turrets, your point? He then proceeded to handle this via adminhelp, which is a completely rational and acceptable way of handling the issue

Ultimately it is still a game, a RP one at that.
If another player OOC doesn’t want to do something and if an admin agrees with them, i believe they can ignore IC rules to that extent.
The point is to have fun.
Doing something unfun is worse than not doing something fun, so you losing your RP oportunity is less important than them having to bear with your demand (ONLY BECAUSE ADMIN APPROVED(Or maybe they asked LOOC)).
Otherwise i agree that people should follow the IC rules, but the circumstances here were special.

They are… still a player…? just because there RP requires them to follow orders doesnt mean you can be needlesly rude to them. Again your own fun will not come at the expensive of everyone else

This may come as a surprise. But sitting in the Bar and doing a little gimmick serving drinks and greeting the crew / having a little chat Really is not that traumatizing

It does? hes part of command too. the functioning of the station falls onto him aswel.

Did i ever tell AI to stop supporting the crew? Was there a clear threat? Or should i just start assuming that ling and traitors are amogus on Green alert with not one person reporting anything shady going on a good while into the round.

There is a very obviuse difference, by your logic the warden is justified to lay out the armory in the hallway when its green alert because “I dont see a threat.”

I was responding to you saying:

Also while its a greenshift, does not mean you should assume NOTHING is happing. its normal day and the AI is normaly inside his satellite, elevated alert levels exist because there is a confirmed thread and prove that todays shift may be abnormal due to hostile agents. You disregarded there safety for again no reason at all.

Exactly. The shift has been going on for a while, nothing happened. Security says things are clear. Crew is doing good, hence i continued with my plan. You are literally saying DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD ASSUME NOTHING IS HAPPENING Like ok? Are you saying i should assume something is happening at all times? What?

And this mindset is what I took biggest issue with, disregarding the fact that the AI is also playing to enjoy the game. Is the reason I PM’ed you. it was a minor thing but then you avoided what I said in the PM and made this report instead.

Again, i am not trying to drag the AI into a closet with me at dorms. I am asking him to do a little gimmick in the bar and have fun. If he can’t do that, stop playing AI. I am not in the mood as the AI to be pulled off my sat and do a gimmick with other heads. Yet when i refused, i got chewed out. But when it involves Admins they can do the polar opposite? You do not see a issue with that?

i think putting the AI in an uncomfortable position by telling it you want to undermine it’s 3rd law by moving it into an unsafe area (possibly getting it round removed) and then throwing a tantrum when told no is sort of cringe

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And this mindset is what I took biggest issue with, disregarding the fact that the AI is also playing to enjoy the game. Is the reason I PM’ed you. it was a minor thing but then you avoided what I said in the PM and made this report instead.

Can someone PLEASE explain to me how helping serving some drinks in the bar as the AI with a shell and do something with the crew as a gimmick that bad? Was it really that much too handle for the AI? They didn’t want to follow their laws because they don’t wanna talk to the crew with their core in the Bar?

Jesus christ man. Literally seen tons of people before in OOC and Deadchat saying how AI’s pretty much just have to listen and follow their laws.

You are literally saying any AI can just not do something if they don’t feel like it what is that kind of bullshit.