Archanial Staff Feedback Thread

This is the feedback thread for our Administrator Archanial.

Please provide your thoughts about how they perform.

This is not the place for ban appeals or player reports but you can mention specific events and how they handled it given you don’t try to change the outcome of the case.

You are expected to keep a somewhat formal tone and give constructive criticism. Insults will not be tolerated.

pretty based dude, also why the fuck is this thread so empty vibe check bruh

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Damn arch didn’t have to make his own feedback thread?

I mostly didn’t care and vex made feedback threads for every trialadmin.

Helped with code to make its less spaghetti. 10/10 based.

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My first interactions with Archanial made me think he was a bit of a hardass, but after seeing what he puts up with on a regular basis, I wouldn’t want him to be any other way. Some players have tried to take advantage of more lax staff to continue patterns of disruptive gameplay, but Archanial doesn’t put up with any of that and it keeps the server and community running smoothly.

If it seems like he’s riding you over something don’t get frustrated. He knows what he’s doing and you’ll be a better member of the community for taking a minute to listen.

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20chars based.

Spammed polish cow kinda cringe

That was not me

Not cringe then. 20203020220

good admin, unfortunely is becoming a mrper should go back to lrp ngl

Was a gamer on tg and is a gamer on bee.

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