Anyone want a character sketch?

I’m bored and want to draw. If you want a character sketch, feel free to respond. It’s free and probably will help me break same face syndrome to an extent. I might be colored, if I feel up for it at the moment. They won’t all get done in one go, it’s completely by my digression, but it’s free art.

  • Character reference picture or pictures. [Including in game sprite]
    Could be inspirations of how you imagine the character looks in the face, haircut, or how their clothing is worn on them. It could even just be aesthetic inspirations.
  • Character age/build/skin tone.
    Are they skinny and lanky? Athletic and short? Large and round? Are they mostly skin and bones and wrinkly? Are they tan, pale and sickly, freckled, sunburnt, or scarred?
  • Iconic features.
    Do they have a specific tattoo or marking? A particular piece of clothing or item they have on their person at all times? It could even include little design details a pixel sprite can’t show, like a specific pattern or design on clothing.
  • Pose reference [Optional but it helps a ton]
    Your piece will most likely be ‘shoulders up’ unless you give a ref sheet because anatomy is fuckin hard to do. Expression references also do wonders, because no one know’s your character’s temperament and personality like you. So I might make your grumpy Quartermaster a smiling goofball, unless you give me those details.
  • Respond to discord if you have specific ideas beyond what’s posted in here. I can revise stuff, just let me know! [My discord is the exact same across byond, the forum and discord : ) ]

I’ll post your sketch here and if requested I can dm it on discord.



Good luck doing these, don’t burn yourself out!


Grumpy QM? You called? I’ll bite, seems interesting

Here’s the beloved(?) Quartermaster, Taylor Fisher (Usual cigar not pictured). Expression is somewhere between stoic, grumpy and a little smug. Pose is up to you.

In his mid-late 30s, somewhat bulky with a little bit of age visible on his face

and aye, try not to burn yourself out with this thread.

edit: Heroforge thread
found the heroforge thread i made if you’re after a slightly more 3 dimensional take


Love your art style first off! Gary poses for pictures rather seriously, often with his sword and antique laser gun with him to show off his martial strength as a captain. He smokes like a chimney to boot along with constantly wearing his sunglasses. He’s rather well built, taking care of his body despite all he puts it through. He sometimes misses a spot of blood from his near daily assassination attempts or field executions too.
face 1
face 2
face 3
face 4

Don’t get burnt out and best of luck Lux!


Name: Walter Woolery

Occupation: Quartermaster/cargo-tech/chef/bartender/botanist/assistant/janitor/gimmick/paramedic (feel free to chose)

General description: He’s in his 20’s, tall and lanky, with no notable features. He has a friendly and laid-back demeanor, mostly optimistic.

Some things to note:

  1. His casual wear consists of alien t-shirt, jeans and black shoes
  2. He likes to wear his jumpsuits in the “casual” style
  3. As a QM he wears a turtleneck jumpsuit, classic cargonia cap, fingerless gloves, sunglasses, bomber jacket and a fanny pack (never a cape, since he thinks it makes him look like a douche)
  4. As a chef he ditches the mustache and works in an apron and a white cap.
  5. As a botanist he wears an apron and a bandana on his head.

[Updated with 3 headshots]



So. Update.
A housemate came home without letting me know and when I called for them they were silent. I rushed downstairs to make sure I wasn’t y’know being home invaded and my tablet fell off my desk and is glitching out graphically since so it’s gonna be a bit. Really pissed about it since it’s a 300 dollar art tablet. Hopefully it’s just the cable port has dirt in it.


This thread has been officially been hijacked, all of your characters are belong to us. (Until Lux can get tablet working)


I might contribute to this thread for a bit as I don’t draw humans that often and it’d make fun practice



fifteen characters

I like his style

I completely missed the ‘poses for pictures seriously’ part, Gary has one piece energy in my head


ack holy shit that’s sick, thanks man


I’ll drop Assistant Julian’s sprites in a bit. Have to set up my shit real fast. Can’t wait to see where this goes, though!

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One piece-looking ass


Make a glorious hybrid between these two, just add an iconic black fedora if you can



Oh dear heavens.


Here’s Julian Hardy! Typically seen as either Acting HoP or a fun Custom HoP Job. Horrible shot and usually seen with sunglasses on. Basically every clone is skinny. If you’re insane you could attempt CentCom Julian.


Fuck it, I’m throwing my character in here.

  • Character age/build/skin tone

Tinea is currently 25 years old, I’ve always considered her more on the skinnier side. Regarding skin tone, just y’know, the colour of her fluff. (See picture(s))

Iconic Features

Her antennae, make them longe.
Other than that, Tinea prefers wearing berets over any other type of hat.
She’s generally more an upbeat kind of person, so, a wide smile, a wink, whatever you want.


Draw whichever one of these you want, though as a note, if you’re gonna end up drawing the Syndie/HoS one, it’s preferable if the glasses are left out.


Gary is also quite manic, so this also works well for him!

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Damn, hope your tablet gets fixed. That sucks.