Antag Strawpoll: Hateful Edition

its receiving a few updates thanks to cenrus but mostly clock cult is going to be no more.

immovable rod is the best and most based of all the random event antagonists

just a pole, moving through the station

it’s not controlled by a player or anything, so there is no bias in what the rod hits

no concern, no bias, no fucks given

only clang

Fluff Moff has died in CMO’s Office.
Xie Jing has died in Medbay Storage.
Graham Told has died in Surgery Room.
Izatha Bifasciata has died in Surgery Room.


clang nigfa

also mission accomplished boys, cock cults been removed

:crab::crab:cuck cult is gone​:crab::crab:

add obamium mineral to lavaland

actually, speaking of new materials

you know how chemistry never makes plastic

add a “discarded plastic bottles” ore, so mining can get us plastic

plastic is only used for water bottles for chem payloads in grenades

mining can mine us up some of that great pacific garbage patch so we can get items that require plastic

ill make more plastic for the station from now on ok

nah let’s be real here

who the fuck actually puts plastic in the ore silo

immovable rod would make a good admin ngl

gib everyone mentioned in an ahelp

for those metamaterial and x large beakers and the plumbing constructor now

who doesnt want automated synthflesh

automated plasma factory :flushed:

Why do people hate clockies? They are fun to play as and against (unless you are the only one who knows what to do)

Tower defense game. So exciting.
Literally the same layout of TABLE-TRAP-TABLE-TRAP with 10 thousand walls.

One side steamrolls the other.

If people bothered to fight clock cult, they’d be easy to beat.

Based lingssssssssssssssz

In which I rant about antags

A wall of text by AsciiSquid in regards to problematic antags and their stupid bullshit broken-ass mechanics.


Newbies hate changelings cause they don’t know how to kill one without a gibber/crematory so they just keep coming back. Robust players hate changelings cause of all their arm-blading, monkey-uncuffing, emp-screeching, disarm-whipping bullshit. Changelings hate other changelings cause group objectives.


Revs is fucked up game of “hide-and-seek” where heads/revheads hide and the rest of the station murder each other while pretending to seek. The number of rounds that have been pointlessly extended by some head/revhead spacing themselves with a hardsuit to avoid this gamemode is near-equal to the number of rev rounds played. This antag is only fun for the middle third of the round.

Clock Cunt Cult

This gamemode ceased development for a reason. The tower defense finale is always a stomp on either side and is always a pain in the ass. 9/10 cult players don’t know what they’re supposed to do and 10/10 emissaries have no idea what they’re doing at all. Only good thing come out of this gamemode was the brass/bronze tiles so the chaplain can roleplay a techpriest.


YOU WERE EXPECTING TO ESCAPE ON THE SHUTTLE, BUT IT WAS ME, BLOB ROUND! Now prepare to struggle reaching my core as dumbass greytide start plasmafires and bombs around me. Extending the round an extra 45 minutes just so players can raid the armory for lasers one more time cause nobody remembers emitters.


Pretty fun if the antag has a gimmick and doesn’t take it too seriously. However rounds where its some murderboner with a meta spell setup absolutely break the game to the point where it’s only fun for them. Nobody is impressed by your timestop+rod setup stop ping-ponging the shuttle cause you want to fight a deathsquad reeeeeeeeeee.


Objectively broken gamemode, I’m serious, on lowpop there isn’t enough players to meet your soul requirements. Even if there were it’s not like you’re going to get a lot of autographs since the benefits as a player are subpar and most will just want to beat you up anyway. Even with a “you cannot use violent means to get signatures” rule or whatever most just ignore it, spam fireball, then spam the revival contract as that is the most reliable method. Delete this gamemode.

I was actually the one to bring up the fact that low pop devil SUCKS. Thank god it will only appear on higher pops. (Like that will ever happen)