AmiTech#2794 banned by bloons3#2199

Discord ID: AmiTech#2794

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 05/27/2021

Appeal Reason: I don’t want to be banned

Additional Information:
Around morning (local) i sent a mildly painful photoshopped picture of someone biting on an ice cream with a chipped tooth in #general.

While i disagree with such a fast and harsh ban, the picture itself didnt seem so bad to me, but probably made some fellas uncomfortable.

I’ve seen worse posted in #general, but ban’s a ban so i’d like to apologize and ask to let me back in. Won’t be posting that stuff again.

a week has not yet passed
come back next thursday

I don’t recall posting gore…

i think the “gore” was the paperclip thing, yeah that was very uncomfterable but not really gore, just a shitty cursed image

should have been a tempmute or warn imo but then again they posted a lot of those cursed images and the paperclip thing was a bit meaty

Daw come now, i don’t think 3-4 shitty images are that much? Sorry if it made you feel not right

“I’m sorry that you were offended, but what I posted really wasn’t that bad.”
