Alfred Mimington Player report

    CKEY: Dutchylwd

   Your Discord: None

   Offender’s CKEY: No idea

   LRP or MRP server: MRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Alfred Mimington

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 09-06-2020

   Round Number: 16993

   Rules Broken: Self Antag

Incident Description: So, joined late-game as Atmostech. Was looking around for some Insulated gloves in Atmos, mime comes in with pistol, shotgun. Filled with lethals, shoots me without a word said. Asked security for help but absolutely no response even when they are in front of me. Later on got welded into a locker while cuffed, still no response. Decided to Ghost since no point playing anymore. Asked mime in deadchat if he was Antag, said no. Best of all, decided to give this as his reasoning for killing me.

Additional Information: I might be Shitsec, but so far adjusted to any pointers giving to me by admins. I main shitsec, i like to chase traitors and do my best. It amazes me quite often just how stupid some people are. But at the very least i don’t go around arresting people out of spite, self antag or do stupid bullshit like that. Yes, i ahelped mid-round about it, but no response. Which happens, hence the forum report.

Way to take what I said out of context. That makes you look really good here.
I called Randy a shitsec in a different conversation and he has decided to frankenstein together an accusation of metagrudge. I, Alfred, had been conscripted by security, and at that point in the round Randy was wanted by security for apparently attacking people in the halls. I hung around engineering to catch him, and I did! I caught him. Lethals were all I’d been given, so lethals were what I used. Not that it matters, since I took him straight to medbay after cuffing him, and from there to the departures sec checkpoint to be searched. There, some random greyshit kept urging me to weld him in a locker and leave him behind. I didn’t really care except I wasn’t planning on leaving him behind. I figured I’d just take the lockered Randy into the shuttle brig and be done with it. But instead, he just ghosted. I died, and instead of ever bothering to ask in dchat, “Alfred, why did you do that?” he ree’d at me and called me a shitter and told me to enjoy my nice long ban.
So, not spite, not self-antag, and only a little stupid bullshit.


First of all, admins can check the logs and everything so that will cover me a lot in itself. You never took me to medbay. You fed me botany shit and dragged me straight into departures. YOU put me in a locker, YOU used lethals on me, i got welded shut and put in the corner and mime was LONG gone by then.

Either way, i assume Admins will check logs. That alone should back up everything. I highly, very highly doubt any of what he said was true about me attacking people in halls because i was helping security in the engineering lobby catch a traitor and they were never after me even once. Afterwards i spent time in space for about 5 minutes total with a engineer that wanted me to show his shuttle he made. From there on out i went back into Atmos and then it all went down. He is straight up lying about the Medbay stuff.

Again as said, logs will back me up.

alfred mimington is a shitter
but at the same time, his story makes sense
even though he’s a metagrudging piece of shit

also, @NotMegatron
you literally committed manslaughter / assault with a deadly weapon in addition to actively pursuing dangerous individuals as non-sec, that’s two rulebreaks right there…

edit: however, this is not entirely your fault, and more the fault of the sec who ‘conscripted’ you or employed you or hired you or whatever, so I don’t really think this should be held entirely against you, more against the sec who for whatever reason gave the mime lethal weaponry and told them to go kill someone

Is common sense something that is against the rules on Beestation? Am i fucking delusional or something? He is the same if not more to blame than security. How about he uses his brain and thinks “Maybe i shouldn’t ask for a security job, only accept lethals and then full out metagrudge as a fucking Mime.”

I can promise you, which once again. Logs will back me up, no one has said or shown that i attacked or tried to start shit with anyone. I passed by security several times and no one even bothered to do anything. Yet this shitter with several lethal weapons just blasts me in Atmos in a split second? Isn’t this fucking MRP? Is common sense and using your brain really /THAT/ much too ask around here?

Even if you put ALL of that aside, literally all of it and say “Sure. Maybe sec was at fault and let the Mime off.” why in the fuck would you put me in a locker, weld it shut then put me into a corner when evac is there???

Alfred mimington is robust just wait for logs

So Randy gets set to arrest for no reason by someone else in sec (no he hadn’t attacked people in the halls, but Nancy wouldn’t know that), Mime decides to arrest him with lethals instead of like a normal security officer.

Nancy’s story checks out as far as logs are concerned, the only issue here is how he arrested: It’s not self-antag, but it is absolutely shitsec to lethal someone for arrest when they have done nothing to show they’re hostile yet.

Just because you’re a mime doesn’t exclude you from needing to act like Sec if you join Sec, especially when a large chunk of your experience comes from the department. @NotMegatron.

Report mostly denied

But as a player with a history of shitsec and escalation issues, still partially accepted and is still being dealt with.