Title: Alexanderself1 and Blueturbo47
CKEY: Aeder1
Your Discord: Aeder
Offender’s CKEY: Alexanderself1 and Blueturbo47
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Coochie Man, BLUECAT–47–
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 12/8/2020
Round Number: 24855
Rules Broken: 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 14
Incident Description:
Clown broke into the AI Sat with stolen jaws of life and hand tele, took the AI, who went against its laws to agree and go along with this, cavity implanted it into a SSD person, who was then in a blue space body bag that was cavity implanted into clown. Throughout the round broke into several secure areas, committed several capital crimes, and several minor ones, and during the course of the round were involved in several fist fights with other crew, culminating in blowing borgs on a greenshift.
Additional Information:
This report is to challenge the ban length here :
AlexanderSelf1/Blueturbo47 banned by Vexylius - #3 by Aeder
I understand the admin was under pressure at the end of the round and didn’t have all of the information due to not wanting to hold up the round for everyone else. The result of this is that the three day ban is way under what it should’ve been for not only breaking the rules above but also affecting the round negatively for all involved including blowing of a borg.
Not only this but the player Alexanderself1 was recently banned for similar offences literally less than 5 days ago and proper ban escalation policy should apply.
The banning admin stated they wished to increase the length, and without a player report challenging the decision, it can’t be done.
As the aggrieved player I am involved and suffered for this.