Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Player Report
Your Discord:blazikenowen
Offender’s CKEY:n/a
LRP or MRP server:mrp
Offender’s In-Game Name:Aldolf cooper
Date (MM-DD-YYYY):05/28/2020
Round Number:16475
Rules Broken:2 4 8
Incident Description: captain came into kitchen with a ssd guy tried to make me gib them I refused so they pushed there face into frying oil I told them to stop and leave they stop leave then abit later throw people into the kitchen to steal the food and come in I tell everyone out captain wont and another guy wont I push them out he disables me cuffs me grabs me brigs me then let me out when food was gone blatently lied about not doing it to lawyer I return to kitchen to food all gone with round ruined for me I hang myself got cloned and went to hang self again got convinced not to but closed kitchen captain was found dead brought to me I gibbed him
Additional Information:I Ahelped this Astriker answered aldolf claims it was "part of a sting" what sting who knows but pretty sure captain cant randomly do sting operations and as part of that actively let people steal food and shit and pretty much self antag also what sting involves letting people steal all the food in the kitchen that is in the process of being made anyway astriker recommended making a player report as by there words the situation is wierd
Captain kame into kitchen with an SSD guy and tried to make OP gib the guy. OP refused, so they deep fry his OP's or the guy's? face. OP disliked that and asked them to stop, and they leave. Fast forward a bit and the same 2 guys throw people into kitchen to steal ? the food ?? and to come in.
OP comes out and tells everyone (politely) to GTFO. Cap and his friend don’t listen, so OP disarms them.
“he disables me cuffs me grabs me brigs me then let me out when food was gone” <gold
OP was released when food supples “gone”. Cap lied to lawyer about not doing something?. OP returns to his homeland to see all the food gone.
Having his round ruined, op hangs himself and fucking dies.
OP gets cloned and was ready to make another noose, but is convinced that it’s not worth it and life is good. OP closes his kitchen and, when someone brings Captain’s dead body to him, he gibs him.
Additional Information: unknown untranslatable language
also going to copypaste the original text out of this scrollabe box so it’s easier to read.
Incident Description: captain came into kitchen with a ssd guy tried to make me gib them I refused so they pushed there face into frying oil I told them to stop and leave they stop leave then abit later throw people into the kitchen to steal the food and come in I tell everyone out captain wont and another guy wont I push them out he disables me cuffs me grabs me brigs me then let me out when food was gone blatently lied about not doing it to lawyer I return to kitchen to food all gone with round ruined for me I hang myself got cloned and went to hang self again got convinced not to but closed kitchen captain was found dead brought to me I gibbed him
Additional Information:I Ahelped this Astriker answered aldolf claims it was “part of a sting” what sting who knows but pretty sure captain cant randomly do sting operations and as part of that actively let people steal food and shit and pretty much self antag also what sting involves letting people steal all the food in the kitchen that is in the process of being made anyway astriker recommended making a player report as by there words the situation is wierd
**Your lack of punctuation makes your posts extremely difficult to read.**
No it isn’t - not at all. @Rjumbochka is a saint for what he did and I can actually handle the report.
That aside and looking into the actual report: Good god the captain was being an utter spaz this whole round.
[2020-05-27 23:51:38.273] SAY: Cryptic_Is_Thicc/(Adolph Cooper) “Serving Human meat anywhere is now illegal.” (Kitchen (149, 134, 2))
[2020-05-27 23:52:10.634] SAY: Cryptic_Is_Thicc/(Adolph Cooper) “It will carry a 500 credit fine and up to 5 minutes in jail.” (Bar (138, 136, 2))
[2020-05-27 23:52:37.528] SAY: Cryptic_Is_Thicc/(Adolph Cooper) “Every Credit you dont pay is another second in jail.” (Bar (141, 137, 2))
[2020-05-27 23:53:48.693] SAY: Cryptic_Is_Thicc/(Adolph Cooper) “Here, an SSD human for you/” (Kitchen (152, 137, 2))
[2020-05-27 23:54:11.048] SAY: Cryptic_Is_Thicc/(Adolph Cooper) “Well y'know” (Kitchen (150, 134, 2))
[2020-05-27 23:54:22.283] SAY: Cryptic_Is_Thicc/(Adolph Cooper) “Some things can slide right?” (Kitchen (151, 134, 2))
[2020-05-27 23:55:19.808] SAY: Cryptic_Is_Thicc/(Adolph Cooper) “yOU CANT FRY HUMANS” (Kitchen (153, 133, 2))
This clip of text summarizes their actions as a whole pretty well.
Declares some law or another
Tries to get someone to break law
Smacks them with brig time if they comply, despite the fact he’s giving captain orders to his crew
Report confirmed sort of and accepted
I still couldn’t really tell specifically how you were trying to describe what happened, but you reported a captain and they weren’t acting in a captainly way at all - more or less throwing people around with their position of power.