Aight lads i'm out

For what it’s worth, everything aside, I am sad to see you go. I’m never glad to see people leave like that and I do agree with some of the complaints you put forth. I hope you find the enjoyment you’re looking for on another server, or maybe you’ll change your mind and come back after a break after all. Godspeed, Xeapor.


I would’ve loved to teach you any science department that you have interest in (except nanites, heh) but I’m of course not expecting you change your plans. Saddened to see you go and I’ll always remember your clown stuff. Seeing you as Mordred was also very refreshing too.

If you do ever come back, hit me up and I’ll teach you some science, but for now I wish you safe space ventures and hope you can find people to slip wherever you might go.


No… The code isn’t the issue here and we both know that… Crossed straight up believes that implementing it in any way will only harm the server and has implied as much.


Going to miss the “Anti-Felinid guy”.
But in all seriousness I totally get it and going to you clowing.
I must admit I don’t really play on Bee more than a one or two rounds these days and since quite a few of the RP people have moved on (me included) Bee has gotten less RP/enjoyable for me.

Bee tends to punish the Roleplayers the most for actually roleplaying. Not to say the LRP shitters get to run free but it feels like it would rather me be a faceless crew memeber that sometimes speaks in comms and be silent for the rest of the round.

I’m pretty much on the same boat as you Xeapor of having one foot here and the other somewhere else.

Also I just wanted to say this here because fuck it, RP code doesn’t encourge RP. Policies and admins do and well…the policies just doesn’t fit with what Bee is trying to be…admins are alright though. You guys tend to be cool.


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